18 3 0

You, Tanaka, Saeko, and Noya hang out late in the night at a local restaurant. An intense card game takes place.
"Bullshit." The girl declared.

"THAT'S IT! I'm backing out." Tanaka dropped his many cards on the table, shouting in a frustrated tone.

"It's about time," Y/N teased, flipping over his cards to check what he was given. "Wow. The batch of cards you got was horrible... but not as horrible as your poker face."

Saeko burst out in laughter, unable to hold back as she watched Tanaka's face turn an infuriated red. A tiny grin crept onto Nishinoya's still concentrated face.

"HEY- THAT'S NOT— true... WHATEVER! Noya, it's up to you now buddy boy." He gave him a forceful pat on the back, to which he responded with swatting his hand away.

"Not now, Baldi, I'm trying to focus." Noya remarked.

"When will I have to stop saying that I'm NOT b-"

Saeko loudly shushed him: "If he's gonna get even close to winning, he's gonna need to concentrate, Tanaka." Though Saeko had never been into card games— she knew they needed an immense amount of concentration. She didn't prefer to participate in "thinking" games like cards. That being said, she observed.

Meanwhile, Nishinoya had his eyes locked with Y/N's, waiting for her next move. Straight faced, she placed a card down, and followed up with a "ten of spades." Noya closely examined her body movements, trying to catch any trace of hesitation. But her movements were slick, making it hard for him to tell whether he was overthinking or right on point. He decided to let it go, and put down his next card, which was supposedly "a jack." He assumed that if he stayed more focused on her movements, his lies would be less obvious. But she saw right through him.

She started to pull a card from her deck, which calmed Noya's nerves, but then retracted it back into her pile.

"Bull-fucking-shit," she called out, hearing an annoyed 'damn' escape from Noya's lips. A satisfied smirk creeped onto her face.

"You know everyone uses that tactic, right?"

He had planned out his every move with caution, but her knowledge and mind-twisting tactics always outran his by mile.

As if just on time, the waiter came out of the kitchen doors and strolled over to the table, carrying two dishes in her hand and balancing the other two on her arms. The four teens thanked her for their food, and she walked away. Each dish looked amazing— and the smell permeating from each one made Y/N's stomach rumble.

Both Nishinoya and Y/N placed their cards down, and Noya shot the girl a competitive smirk.

"We'll continue after we eat?"

"Obviously." she responded.

This is pretty short but just wanted to get my ideas down 😛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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