Hey, Yo!!

41 1 13

It's game time! If you've read this far, I caught you with the description which means… I am goooood!
At any rate, with any game comes any amount of rules, and with this game… comes exactly that amount!

1. No playing on the Sabbath, or the seventh day of the week… or Saturday.
2. You can NOT tag back a person that just tagged you.
3. No swearing or insulting people unless the person is really actually stupid (just don't say it like that!)
4. Have fun! This is very important! I already feel very bad for making stupid jokes.
5. All answers are to be left on my message board so I don't write just one page and we don't just play in the comments.
6. You can't dare someone to do anything along the lines of drinking toilet water since, number one: we can't guarantee the person did it and, number two: we won't be able to see his face anyway.
7. Make sure you tag someone who's account is working and who answers relatively fast.

The way you play? I pick a person and that person picks truth or dare.

Note: if you pick truth you'll have to share one interesting thing about yourself. If you pick dare… it's up to the person that picked you.

And, yes, by tagging I mean… I tag Lunathe_Wolf135

Tag: A Truth Or A DareWhere stories live. Discover now