𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻.

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You hadn't thought this through, walking into the house with a guy's clothes on. Your dad sat on the couch, staring over at you. "Hey...dad," shutting the door, you headed into the kitchen, in hopes he wouldn't question you.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, following after you. Your eyes squeezed shut, realizing you had no weed since you and Suna had smoked it all together. Casually, you spun around on your heels, looking at him. "What do you mean what is wrong with me?"

He continued to stare at you. "You know what I'm talking about, Y/n! Skipping school? That isn't like you. And you're barely home anymore. At first, I let it slide, knowing that I've been hard on you and such...but if I'm going to let you have freedom, no more skipping school! And you wonder why you're probably never going to do well in life..." he sighed and shook his head.

You stood there, leaning against the counter as he said this to you. It's the first time he's said anything like this and you actually listen. "You're lucky I'm letting it slide this time. If you do it again...I swear," he pointed a finger toward you before turning around.

Just when you thought he was done, he turned around again. "And what are you wearing! Were you with a boy...Y/n," you felt like you were about to cry, feeling stupid for not even thinking about walking into this. There was no point in lying to him. "Yes...I was," he frowned. "You fucked him didn't you?"

Your eyes widened and suddenly you went to walk past him, but he stopped you. "Answer me!" you yanked your arm from him and he grabbed you again. "Stop! No! I didn't! Just leave me alone!" the tears you held in were now slipping down your cheek, pulling away from him completely, throwing yourself against the wall.

He continued to stare at you, the disappointment clear in his eyes. Surprisingly, he let you resume down the hallway into your room.


Hours passed by and you laid in bed, watching anime. There was a knock on the door and your eyes shifted over, hoping for him to think you were asleep. "I heard you laugh earlier...I'm heading off to work. Sorry for earlier," he apologized. You didn't say anything, not taking his apology. There was homework that needed to be finished and once you heard him leave, you put your laptop away and dug around in your bag. "Shit," you mumble, realizing that because you skipped school, you didn't have a chance to grab your other books out of your locker.

Lying back against your bed, you glanced over at your nightstand where your phone laid. Biting down on your lip, you rolled your eyes and reached up and grabbed your phone.

Almost instantly, you unlocked it and headed for Suna's contact. You pressed the button and held the phone up to your ear and waited for him to answer. "Well, well, well..." Suna's fingers tapped against his leg, smirking into the phone. "miss me?"

His voice. "I just need another eighth. If you could bring it by...that'd be great and highly appreciated," Suna glanced over at the clock. "Okay, yeah. Give me a few and I'll head there,"

"Thanks, Suna," you say before ending the call. Slowly, he pulled the phone away from his ear and laid it in his lap, leaning his head back. "Gotta go," he then said, standing up and looking over at the girl lying on the couch. "Hm," she pouted. "so soon?"

Suna nodded and headed for the door. "I'll see you tomorrow? Or possibly next weekend?"

"Maybe," he mumbled and walked out the door, leaving her in the house by herself.

You laid on the floor, for no apparent reason. Just because you felt like, really. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up, hoping to see Suna's name, but instead, you saw Atsumu's.

Atsumu: Had an extremely good day today. Can't wait to see you again soon, Y/n.

You typed out a simple you too, Atsumu, and hit send before throwing your phone up onto your bed. There was a knock on the front door and you dashed for it, taking one look in the mirror and fixing your hair before opening it up. Suna walked in and shut the door, kissing you instantly.

That was not what you were expecting, at all. His hands found your face and he turned you, pushing you up against the door. His knee sat in between your legs, keeping them apart. "Suna," you say, finally pulling away from him.

He stared down into your eyes. Fuck it. Kissing him once more, your hand palmed him through his black sweats, making him let out a groan. "My room," pulling from him again, you held onto his hand and led him to your room.

"You want me to fuck you again?" he whispered, pushing you down onto the bed while you were turned around. Your face hit the comforter and you glanced back at him, aching. "I'll do it..." he then said, hovering over you and holding your hands back. "harder."

"W-wait..." you say. "I can't."

Suna didn't release your hands. "And why is that?" he asked. You were no longer bleeding, so there was nothing really stopping you from going further. You just felt sick with yourself. Going on a date with someone else, then letting Suna fuck you. Finally, he let go of your hands and stepped away from the bed, allowing you to flip over. Slowly, you rose and looked at him.

His head was tilted slightly, staring a hole through you. "What's wrong?" you swallow hard. Suna shook his head. "Just thinking about everything I'd do to you if you'd let me,"

Those words alone were able to get your breath to hitch. You knew you wanted this. Suna casually walked over to the bed, pulling the baggy of weed out of his pocket. "All right, here you go,"

Leaning over, you grabbed the money from your drawer and handed it over to him. Making the exchange, you felt yourself about to randomly cry. Why? You had no idea. "Hey, hey," he cooed as he watched your head began to fall. Suna kept it up, scanning your face. "did I do something?"

"No - not you," you then tell him, trying to look away from him. His hand remained on your chin, not allowing you to move. "Then what's up?" he asked. "you can talk to me."

At first, you were hesitant, but you went ahead and did it, feeling as though you could truly open up to him. "I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's just...my dad," Suna's eyes darkened and his head moved to the side, licking his lips as he did so. "Your dad, hm?"

You looked at him, confused. "Yeah,"

"Does my little girl have daddy issues?" oh shit. You didn't know what to say. You didn't have to say anything though, his fingers climbing into your mouth as he continued to hold your head up.

He kept going, his long fingers heading to the back of your throat. An unexpected tear slipped down from your eye, Suna taking notice and wiping it with his thumb. "You like it when I call you my little girl?" he stopped his fingers from going further. "close your mouth...and suck."

You did as he said, closing your mouth and sucking on his fingers softly. Every time you're with him, things seem to escalate quickly. It's never intentional. Maybe it's the way he looks at you. Or the way he talks to you. There was something about him that you liked. But if you were being honest, you liked everything about him.

This may feel weird, sitting here sucking on his fingers as he wipes your tears away, but you secretly loved every second of it. Just then, the front door opened and you froze, Suna taking a look back.


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