chapter 1: S-P-I-R-T

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        “let’s go bulldog’s lets go” ‘ let’s go bulldogs let go” the sound was so overwhelming people yelling and screaming “ there is only two minutes left in the game ladies and gentlemen” the speaker says it time for the tumbling line, my turn is next Arial to a backhand spring always give me a rush of adrenaline. The game is finally over the score was 36 to 27 the bulldogs of course win! Everyone goes to an after party but I have homework I have to do, I’m not like other cheerleaders I am very responsible and I have great grades and I don’t party. That is why all of my teacher love me I get it done on time and all right. The next day come’s I walk up to my cheer friends and the start talking about last night and how I should have been there, but then something caught my attention they all turn and they see a really hot guy walk through the door he must be new because most of the hot guys don’t look like that. He see that I was looking so I look away fast he walks up to us and says “hello ladies” then looks to me and starts smiling and asked me “what is your name?” and I answered Jamie and then he turned and started talking to the girls I just stop listening because I was trying not to smile and trying not to like him and he turn to me again “can you walk me to the front desk please?” and I see the girls be hide him saying yes so I said yes he started talking about his life then we got to the front desk and I turned to walk away and he grabbed my arm and he said “wait a minute you didn’t even give me time to as you out?” I started freaking out he wanted to ask me out but why me I tell myself to settle down and then I thought make him want me more so I said “you have to beg me to go a date so next time you better bring something instead of just your smile” he laughs and asked me “like an engagement ring?” I turn and said “exactly”my classes are easy I look around the room most of my classmates where sleeping but all I could think of was that boy I didn't even know his name this can't happen I can't like him I had my life planed out he is going to mess all my plans up. Launch is finally here I bring my launch because I like to eat healthy and when I see that boy again that I talked to this morning I can’t catch my breath he sports me and walks over to me and sits down next to me and I say I never got your name her say because I never gave it to you he is a smart-ass I don’t know if I like it or not I look over at what he got he got it from the launch here which is really gross because nobody eats the launch here. He looks over at me and says I think I’m going to pack for now on I say sound good nobody ever eats here, Dylan. What? I said, Dylan is my name. OMG his name is even cute. Do you want to hang out with me today? Dylan I barely knew you for all I know you could be a rapist. Wait a minute did you search my name on google he starts to laugh, I knew he wasn’t but never know he could also be a murder or an animal killer or something psychotic. Well you really hurt my feelings Jamie. I can’t believe I actual said that though I don’t really feel bad now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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