Hey, Diana!

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—this is the first Wondertrev anything I've done so bare with me—

Diana wandered around, admiring the world around her. The first snow fall of the year was always sad for her. It brought back memories of Steve, now fresh in her mind was almost unbearable. But as she watched small children play and throw snow it was almost as if the warmth from her heart thawed her cold fingers.

She was taken out of a trance by a stranger whom had bumped into her. "Sorry, I wasn't looking." He apologized. When she turned to face him she almost gasped in surprise. It was the engineer.

"It's alright." She assured him, keeping her voice steady.

"It's just that it's wonderful. So many things." He glanced around.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." She replied, truthfully so. Even with sorrow dancing around the inside of her chest she could recognize and appreciate the wonder and beauty of man's world, she was lucky enough to posses that gift.

"Do you know the most wonderful thing of all?" He didn't even wait for her answer. "Of course you do. It's love."

"What do you mean, of course you do?" How could he know? Was he assuming that 'a woman as pretty as her couldn't stay single for long?' He wouldn't be the first, and he certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Because I heard you. What was the only thing you've ever wanted? The only thing you wished for? The pilot." 

"Who are you?" He was confusing Diana. He heard her argument with Steve? Did he remember what happened while Steve inhibited his body? Did he know who Steve was?

"Don't sound so offended, I'm here to give a gift after all."

"I don't want your gift." She was getting freaked out. Who was this man? What gift was he trying to give? Yet she stood her ground, she wanted to know who he was, why he was here. If things got out of hand she could always defend herself.

"We think it's time you've gotten one. After all, you give all you have every day. You've killed gods and monsters. You've convinced the globe to give up their wish. You give this world everything you have and yet they bring you nothing in return. But keep on using that tone I might just take your gift back."

"Who are you?" She asked again, politer and softer. How did he know so much about her?

"Your dear Uncle." This time he responded with a smile. 

Uncle? Her mother had no brothers, her father... "Hades?"

"Well I really must get going. Even I don't wish to upset the wife.  And take care of him this time, I don't want to see him in a long time. And don't worry about aging, I fixed that." With his final statement he dissolved into a fine black powder that floated up and away.

Him? What did he mean when he said take care of him? Who didn't he want to see again? Diana stared in awe at the spot the man had been. 

A snowball hit her back, jousting her out of her surprise. And a voice, a familiar voice she'd never thought she'd hear again. But one she adored none the less.

"Hey, Diana!"

She turned around and gasped. Her hands covered her mouth as tears streamed down her face. It couldn't be.


He was standing maybe ten feet away. Wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt, a Sherpa lined denim jacket, and those shoes.

"Don't look so sad. You should know by now you can't get rid of me for long." He smiled as he approached her. 

She stayed glued where she was. None the less Steve wrapped his arms around her. She nestled her face into the crook of his neck and slid her arms around his waist. Holding him tight. 

"I love you." Her whisper was muffled by his jacket. Steve shifted his grip on her and she backed up and turned so they were face to face. She leaned forward and kissed him. Not desperate, but softly and sweetly. His lips were soft and warm on hers, and his nose cold against her warm skin.

When they pulled apart Steve gently brushed a strand of her snow dusted hair behind her ear. She leaned into his touch. 

"It's getting cold." Steve whispered in her ear as he embraced her yet again. 

"I thought you were from Iowa." She said with a smile.

"Yeah well, usually I'd put on something a little warmer than a jacket. And I think we might be attracting some unwanted attention." Diana grabbed his hand and led him once again through the streets of D.C. They'd laugh at practically nothing. But right now little nothings meant every thing to them, such as the warmth of their entwined fingers.

Diana stood in her kitchen, her head tilted up and her eyes closed. She had glanced at the clock when she had filled herself a glass of water. The glass that she now cradled against her chest, the rim cool on her clavicle. It was 1:38 a.m. 

Words rolled off of her tongue, syllables flowing like water. A language she had been taught as sacred. Ancient Greek. The language in which she whispered prayers to gods long thought to be dead. 

She was not praying. She whispered her thanks to Hades, for bringing Steve back. However he was wrong about one thing, This world didn't give her nothing. It brought her joy and hope. It was a world worth risking everything for.

She had hardly finished when she heard soft foot steps approach. She opened her eyes and smiled softly as warm hands gently tugged at her waist. 

"Come back t' bed." Groggy words mumbled from a tired Steve before his face nestled in her hair  brushed onto her shoulder.

"I am. I just got up to get a glass of water." 

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