Winter's bliss

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I begin to zip up my coat. There was a blizzard outside, so she put on a scarf and earmuffs as well. My roommate/best friend, Heather, is putting on her hat. "You ready for another day at college?" She asks quietly. I heave a deep sigh. It's our second year at college. "Ready as I'll ever be" I say. We push open our door, locking it behind us. After walking down the flight of stairs, we walk outside. The cold blast of air hits me, leaving me gasping for breath. Luckily, Megacorp is only a few blocks away from our apartment. The cold was overwhelming. Heather and I huddled together, walking in sync. We were finally there. The change in the temperature changed dramatically. The crowds of NYC outside were nothing compared to this. Bunches of college students crowded together. Girls whispered and giggled. Sophomore's talked about work. Juniors ( as usual,), acted like idiots. Boys tried to act cool when they honestly weren't. A usual day at college. The first period bell rang, so I head to math. Pulling out my math book, I write down the problems on the board. Once I solve X = 24 to the power of pi squared, I have a minute to relax. I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out discreetly, cocking my text. It was from Heather. She said: Hey Jaz! Don't forget about the big winter solstice dance coming up this Friday! It's girls ask guys, so hurry up and get a date before it's too late! Love, Heather. Oh no! Not the dance! I'm not a romance kind of gal. Last year I went with Heather, but this year she has a date, so I'd be going alone. I'm okay with that, but Heather wants me to have a boyfriend. She always wants what's best for me. So I guess I better ask someone. But I don't like anyone. I seriously don't. No crushes, no secrets, nothing. And the dance is in four days! And to top it off, I don't think any boy would even say yes to me, even if I wanted him to. The 2nd period bell rings now. Oh darn... I curse under my breath, rushing to readers. " Jasmine Parker?" My teacher calls my name. "Here!" I respond. Opening my textbook to page 24, I open up my sketch pad. I sit next to the window. I look outside the window, where I see the overwhelming streets of New York. It's not exactly known for it's nature. Grabbing my sketch pens, I draw the first outline of the streets and buildings. I spend the whole hour working on the sketch. I usually paid attention in class, but today I Just felt like drawing. I hear my phone faintly ping. Again, a text from Heather shows up. It says: OMG Jaz! Big news! I was on my way to study hall, when this guy walked up and asked if I knew who this girl was! He said that she was the most beautiful girl he had laid eyes on! It was so poetic!' I shake my head at the message. I respond with: So? Why do you care if some guy cares about some girl?' And a few second later, a text shoots back to me, saying: So?! The girl he asked about was YOU!' I felt my heart jump into my throat. A guy actually saw me? Actually took the time to ask about me? I mentally slap myself. No Jasmine, I tell myself. I won't let myself get carried away. So what if a guy asked about me? It's not like he wants to be my boyfriend. He probably is just wondering if he had seen his homework or something. But I couldn't help wondering... 'Is he cute?' I shoot a text to her. 'Totally cute! He is SOOO perfect for you!' She says. I feel myself blush. I shouldn't have asked. Now I feel even more intrigued. Forcing my sudden act of emotion down, I look out the window again, picking up my sketch pad. I draw for a few more minutes, then I look up at the clock. 5 minutes until the bell rings. I close up my binder and put away my gear, right on time. The bell buzzes, and I meet up with Heather in the hallway. "So... do you want to hear more about the guy?" She asks quietly. I don't really, but I can tell Heather is itching to tell me more. "Oh sure, why not!" I say, laughing and shaking my head. "Well..." She shifts her weight onto her toes. I could tell that she felt guilty about something. "It's just... I kind of told him that you wanted to go to the dance, and he said that he would meet you there at two" she looked sheepish. "WHAT?!?!" I whisper-yelled. Though I must admit, it's kinda nice to know that he actually noticed me and didn't want to know if I knew where his phone was. Heather turns to face me, pulling me closer. "Now Jasmine, I know you don't like guys very much, but trust me on this, you two are perfect for each other... honestly" she whispers into my ear. I laugh once at the response. "Oh please Heather, I don't believe in true love. I haven't been in it my whole life, so I don't think that's going to change now" and honestly, I do speak the truth. I don't believe in love, let alone true love, because all my life no boy has ever seemed to jump out at me. Besides, I don't even know who he is!

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