Chapter 1

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It was 4:54 PM in the afternoon, the day being almost over. Talia slowly stretched out in her chair, slightly slouching. A quiet yawn escaped her mouth as she looked over the words she had written in her journal. She didn't know how much longer she could take this job.

Talia worked as a supervisor for Candle Light Inc. and it was honestly the most boring job she could think of. It paid pretty well though, keeping her there. She had always wished for a promotion, hoping to get in a little more activity that didn't involve sitting at a desk and writing for hours. 

Luckily it was the end of her shift, all she had to do was grab her bag and leave. But before she could do that, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Talia turned around to see her boss, Sarah. "Talia," Sarah began. "I know how much you've been wanting a promotion." Talia felt her heart leap into her throat at these words and waited to here the words 'I'm allowing you to have a promotion', but those weren't the words that came out of Sarah's mouth.

"I'd be willing to give you a promotion, but I'm requesting you to fly to London and do some reports on some candle companies there. Then if you do good, I'll give you your promotion!" Sarah said with a plastered smile on her face. Talia gulped and put on a fake smile, "Oh, uhm, of course!" She said with a nervous chuckle. Sarah adjusted the glasses on her face, "Great, you'll be leaving tomorrow at 12 PM!" She said walking away.

12 PM?! Tomorrow?! How could Talia even do that? She'd have to gather money, pack clothes, and book a plane. But she wanted this promotion. She NEEDED it. So with this she packed up and walked to her apartment, beginning to pack clothes and utilities. 

After packing she fell on her back into the soft mattress, the pillows and blanket jumping as her body hit the bed. So many thoughts and questions clouded her head as she tried to fall asleep. Where would she stay? What money that she had could she use there? How long would the trip there be? Wow, she was super unprepared. 

Talia took the pillow next to her head and pushed it into her face. England, out of all places, she had to go to England. She began to regret even agreeing to this stupid plan. If she could've just simply said, 'no' she wouldn't be this stressed. But at the same time she need the money for apartment rental. So she needed the promotion.

At times like these, Talia wish she had a partner to travel with her, make sure to keep her safe, and assure her that everything would be alright. She let out a long sigh and shifted her body to look at the empty side of the bed. Talia moved her dirty blonde hair out of her face and got into a little bit more comfortable position. As she did that, she slowly dozed off into a wonderful dream.

Talia fluttered her eyes open and sat up straight, realizing she wasn't in her bed. She jolted out of the bed and looked out the window. She saw buildings that looked older, many cars, and rain washed roads. It was London. How did she get there? Confused, Talia walked outside, breathing in the cold, London air. She began to shiver but then felt a pair of arms wrap around her. And with that, Talia jolted awake, realizing that it was just a dream. 

She looked over at her alarm clock, which read 10:34 AM. Shoot, she woke up late! She ran around her apartment gathering her stuff. Once she gathered her stuff, she took off to the airport. Only to be greeted by many upcoming adventures. 

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