As Y/N walked to her first period she thought about what was going to happen. Would she make friends, would she get bullied? This town was a small town maybe she wouldn't get friends and keep in touch with her friends from New York.

     Y/N sat in her seat and looked around. A group of girls were laughing in the back of the class. Only one caught her eye. A red head. She looked popular so she would never be friends with Y/N but might as well try.

     Y/N walked over to the girls excitedly and said, "Hi, I'm Y/N Lodge. Sister of Veronica Lodge. I just moved here from New York!" The red head looked at her before sticking out her hand.

     "Hi! I'm Cheryl Blossom the HBIC of the school. If you don't know what that means, it means im the Head Bitch in Charge." Cheryl said as Y/N shook her hand.

     "These are my girls. We're all cheerleaders and I'm the coach. We're called the Rivervixens!" said Cheryl. Y/N was intrigued by her kindness she seemed like the sassy type.

     "Well, it was nice to meet you I should head back to my seat!" Y/N said as she smiled at Cheryl and her friends.

     "It was nice to meet you too!" said Cheryl happily. As Y/N sat in her seat she thought about the girl. I mean she was gorgeous Y/N couldn't lie, but she was straight. Her whole family was! What was going on with her?

     During free period Y/N ran off to find her sister. She found her sitting in a lounge looking room with some other people. A black haired boy, a red haired boy, a blonde girl, and a black haired boy with a leather jacket.

      "Oh, hey V who are they?" Y/N asked her sister as nice as possible.

     "This is Reggie Mantle," she said pointing to the black haired boy, "Archie Andrews," she said as she pointed to the red head and smiled, "Jughead Jones," she said as she pointed to the boy in a leather jacket, "and my favorite Betty Cooper!" she said pointing to the blonde girl. They all waved at Y/N and smiled politely.

     "Oh, I've only made one friend and she's really nice! She look a bit like Archie actually." Y/N said with a curious look.

      "Was she the HBIC?" asked Betty as she rolled her eyes. Y/N nodded with a smile.

     "She's the popular girl. She bullies people like us. Her only brother Jason died recently!" Jughead exclaimed with a serious face.

     Y/N was shocked. Cheryl didn't tell her about that. She thought Archie was her brother. Well now she knows to not ask Cheryl if she has siblings or anything about a sibling!

     Y/N was happy she made friends, but she couldn't keep Cheryl out of her mind no matter what everyone told her. Maybe she didn't only like boys!

A/N :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know its a little cringey but i don't write a lot. next chapter is out tomorrow!
Goodbye :)

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