This story is set in a fictional world known as Draemachaeus, there are creatures in this world that are not found on earth as well as terms. Each term will be described at the end of the chapter.
DISCLAIMER: This story will have a decent amount of gore and other sensitive topics, if you are squeamish I would recommend that you don't continue from here. This book is best for 16+ as there is potentially harmful topics, if you wish to tread forth you have been warned.
TOS: You are not allowed to take anything from this story, I hope to publish this one day and I would appreciate it if no one took my characters or took inspiration from them. They are all very special to me and took many years of adapting them and creating them into something more. Thank you.
Who could love a Demon?
FantasyThis is the story of Sanglure, the story is set in the medieval era as she is a princess to the Demon King. She struggles to protect her father but also to keep ahold of the last remaining bits of her humanity. Follow her throughout the journey she...