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I walk down the cold grey streets, wishing that I could just scream it out. In essence, I could, but that would hurt me too much. Me. Why do I always have to get dragged into things? It's not like I asked to, and a part of me wishes I could go back to the Jace I used to be. He was a badass. He didn't care about what other people thought about him, and he sure as hell wouldn't have let someone tell him a secret. A secret he had to keep. And it's not like I want to tell anyone, but it's a big secret, and quite frankly, it is overwhelming me. If I don't tell someone, I'm going to go crazy. But who to tell? That's the decision. Do I tell a stranger? A friend? Foe? Family? Man or woman? Should I just put it up anonymously on the internet and change the names? No. I can't do that she would never forgive me. This is all just so stupid. Why did I let this girl tell me this? And, more importantly, why did she choose to tell me? I'm both flattered that she thought of me to tell this to, and pissed off that she told me. It has me thinking, does she hate me? Is this some kind of test to see if she can trust me? If it is, then I may fail.

I get to my destination all too fast. I guess I'll just have to wait to decide to tell someone or not. Looks like I'll be spending the next 7 hours avoiding Molly. The girl with the secret. A girl who I can't stand. I mean how can you tell someone a secret so big, that even someone who is amazing at keeping secrets couldn't keep this one? I walk onto the elevator and spot Molly. Her dark grey eyes met mine. I could now read her eyes as I know what's going on in that mind of hers. I know why she's so particular about every little thing. It bothered me before and it bothers me now. I understand her better and I hate her for it. She walks toward the elevator I'm on and I quickly push the close door button.

I get to my office and see that I have messages for me. Half of them are from Molly.

"Please talk to m--" delete. I move on to the next one.

"You can't just keep on avoiding me." I delete that one too. The next one comes

"If you would stop deleting my messages like I'm guessing you're doing, I could just ex-" I quickly click off the message from her. I skip through the next two, knowing that they're from her. I listen to the next one, the one that's important. I listen to it and get started on my work. By lunch I can't bear to even be in the same building as her so after I tell my boss, I leave. I go to a cafe to eat my lunch. This is disgusting. I can't eat. I look out the window of the cafe and spot a bar across the street. Lira is going to be so mad at me. Lira, the only person who I love and who loves me. I can't help it though. I get up and leave.

Across the street I get to a bar stool and order a drink. I shouldn't be doing this. I can't seem to stop myself though. I drink and the familiar burn of whiskey is in my throat. I accept it happily. I accept the burn a few more times until I no longer feel that burn and just have drink after drink. Several hours have passed, and I've lost count of the drinks I've had. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and call Lira.

"Hello?" she asks me. I don't answer she tries again, "Jace I know it's you, where are you? You haven't called me and I'm getting worried."

"Don't worry. I just needed to hear your voice." I slur

"Where are you? Answer me ple--" I hang up on her, overcome with guilt. I promised her that I wouldn't go back to a bar. Part of me doesn't care though. My phone starts buzzing nonstop with texts and missed calls. I turn off my phone, knowing that no matter what I do there will be a fight later. I walk down the street just thinking, about the secret, about how many people Molly has hurt because of this. Like really hurt. I spot a man in a suit at the corner. He looks annoyed. He also looks like someone I could tell. He's a stranger, looks too old to really do anything, but too young to care. He is perfect. I walk up to him and wait.

"Excuse me?" He says when he notices me

"Oh, um, well, I couldn't help but notice your tie. It looks absolutely divine. Divine? Really?

"Oh thank you. It's from Harrods" Then it is probably expensive, I think to myself. He rambles on about the tie, but I hear nothing, all I'm thinking about is this secret. Finally, I can't take it any longer, so I say to him, "Listen can you keep a secret?" 

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