t h i r t y - s e v e n

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simon🔪: hey babe, seeing you again tomorrow then i guess x

harry✨: 'i guess'?? is it a bad thing?

simon🔪: no, no, of course not!

simon🔪: just a shame we won't be alone.

harry✨: if i'm being honest, i kind of want my voice for a while x

simon🔪: cute, you know you'll lose it again.

harry✨: i like to scream 🤷🏻‍♀️

simon🔪: fuck yeah you do

simon🔪: and i like it when you scream.

harry✨: sounds weird?

simon🔪: come on, you know what i mean.

simon🔪: 'fuck fuck fuck simon right there holy shit'

harry✨: do you actually memorise what i say or something?

simon🔪: hard not to.

harry✨: alright then.

simon🔪: can't wait to be alone with you again x

harry✨: oh i bet you can't.

harry✨: going shop now x

simon🔪: alright talk to you later, babe.
read 4:41pm

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