only part 👁👄👁

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Mk mk I finally have sum juice for my children 👁👄👁

   pls excuse mistakes

A: degrading, recording. overstimulation (little).

pls comment, vote and enjoy

you walked inside the house, taking off your shoes at the front door.

"I'm home!" you said, there was no reply as you walked upstairs to go to you and kenma's room.

"baby where you a." you stopped mid sentence hearing moans coming from the streaming room. They were loud and drowned out your voice. You chuckled and walked back downstairs into the closet by the front door.

you grabbed the steel bat before walking back upstairs. He must of forgot you were.

"swear to god kenma if there's a bitch in my house I'm breaking your jaw." You yelled while walking up the stairs. Storming in the streaming room.

He turned around seeing you with a bat. He jumped a little before frowning at you.

"you good?" he asked standing up and grabbing the bat from you. you huffed and pushed pass him to look at the computer.

"what are you watching?" you said bending over to look at the computer screen.

he walked beside you, slapping your ass and sitting back in his chair.

"a couple of our sex tapes." a couple? you thought before crossing your arms.

"do you have a recording kink or something." you asked before he grabbed your waist and pulled you down on his lap. his face was neutral as always before he spoke.

"thought it was obvious?" he replied in question like form. you turned away from him blushing.

"why...that's dangerous, what if someone finds it." you asked turning to see his face. he smirked before grabbing your thigh.

"I would love that. sometimes I think about posting it. it's a thrill." you rolled your eyes not seeing the point, but you let him anyways because it didn't bother you. It was just embarrassing.

you didn't say anything else. he tapped your thigh, signaling to get up.

he stood up walking to shelf to put up this controller he was using. he came back before moving the keyboard from the front of the computer.

"you've had a bad attitude since you got here...mind telling me what's wrong?" he asked throwing away his trash away from the past two days.

you looked around trying to find something to avoid the question but he pulled your wrist, turning you around to face him. he looked at you with no expression but you could tell what he wanted to say.

you pushed his chest to get out of his grip but it tighten. "answer me." was all he said before turning you around to the streaming camera. he bent down to you height, his breath by yours.

"or do you wanna tell it to them?" you looked at the camera which wasn't on but you knew he would turn it on.

"no" you said shaking your head. he pulled away from your neck and turned you back around. he sat in the gaming chair, you followed him.

"knees." you sighed knowing you were gonna be in here for a while. he lifted your chin making you look at him.

"green?" you said yes to his question before pulling down his sweatpants.

It was a code you guys used to consent. green meant do anything and everything is okay, yellow was yes but some thing were off the table and red was no. you always made it clear since you guys liked to try new things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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