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Previously on The Bangtan High~

"Now I know why the headquarters that should be in middle of a metropolitan city is actually middle of nowhere" you shook your head in disbelief.


"So mind explaining why you guys run this whole head quarter thingy with out any active participation from the investigation beaure??" You questioned. "Before I answer that, I need to know that why exactly do you want to go to the HQ?" He counter questioned.

"Well I-- everything that I have got, all the knowledge that I have accuired in this one year, the same knowledge that will build my career is here from Bangtan High, so I want to bring it in use for this same place not the IB" you explained.

"And the only way I can do that is by working for HQ not the IB" you justified yourself. "As much as I appreciate and respect your heart warming sentiment, I need you to know how dangerous it can be, let me start by answering your question" Namjoon put down his cup of coffee.

"There are certain cases that can't be known to the public or even to the Investigation Bureau that works under the government. Those kind of cases are handled by the headquarters" his voice lowered.

"Like what??" You asked. "There are some murders that lead to illegal stuff, like underground gangs or drug dealers or mafias" his words caught you by surprise. "Things like that exists??" You asked in disbelief.

"Now you see people like you, have no idea, nor do the IB. We deal with these kinds of cases. These underground things can't be exposed to the government because then they might take a step that can harm the common people" you processed his words. 

"Who work in the HQ then??" You asked, "Oh here's one more thing, only potentials get accepted in the IB, the rest of them who want to volunteer, work for us" he took a sip of his drink.

"So, have I succeeded in changing your decision??" Anticipation filled his voice, "On the contrary, you have got me more intrigued" you said with a smile, "Just as I had thought" he sighed.

"Oh, I almost forgot the main thing" you waited for him to continue, "You can't get into the HQ just like that. With every entry we release a forum on which a voting procedure occurs only by the inside teaching faculty" he said.

"On based of the voting, it's decided wether the individual is granted entry or not" you scoffed. "Now you might have Jin hyung and Hobi hyung on your side but the ratio would still be 2:5 i.e, one unit more than the double, thus a clear majority" a smirk plastered on his face.

"I am doing this for your good, because I don't want you to get into any trouble. You have no idea how you are digging your own grave and I have to stop you before you jump right into it. So there's no way this will happen" he sounded very confident.

"Oh I will make it work" you leaned in, "I have my ways" a smirk crept up your face. "If not all of you, I can atleast draw a clear majority" you shrugged. "Oh I know, you are going to attack those lovesick puppies, won't you?" He chuckled.

"I am open to suggestions, care to lend any??" You asked, "Nope. Not right now" he shook his head. "Then monsieur, sit back and watch" you got up, "See you at the carnival" you gave him a tight lipped smile, "Also thanks for the coffee" you said before walking out.

The hallway was empty, you checked your watch and saw the hour clock hitting nine as the minute one lingered around eight. Sudden footsteps started coming from the other side of the hallway. Your heart stopped breathing for a second.

"Who is it??" You said in a shaky voice, as your steps approached the sound, "Who is--- Oh my" you flinched at the figure that appeared from the turn. "What are you doing here??" Jungkook removed one of his ear plugs.

"What are you doing here??" You retaliated, "I am going for a night jog" that was only when you noticed his track suit wear. "Now mind telling me why are you lingering in the hallways, you almost gave me a heart attack" he asked.

"Oh I should say the same, I would have sued you if I died, anyways I was running some errands" you lied, "Alright, go back to your room right now" he said, "Yeah, I was until you scared he hell out of me" he apologised and started to walk away.

"Wait!" He turned around, "I was wondering if you could help me with something" you asked with one of your most convincing smile. "What would that be?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me get into the HQ by voting in favour of me during the forum--" he cut you off, "Hahaha, very funny. It's not April fools yet, so save it, see you in class tomorrow" he said laughing before walking away as you stood there not believing what just happened.

"You knew something called 'watch' was invented centuries ago, didn't you??" Jimin said as soon as you entered the room. "Yeah, I am sorry, I got caught up" you sighed. "Oh wait" you turned towards him.

"There is going to be a forum release among the teachers, so --" you got cut off, "Why would that be so??" He asked confused. "Because I want to get into the headquarters instead of the IB" by his looks you could say he was not buying any of your words.

"I was wondering if you can vote in my favour during the forum" you used one of your most convincing smile again. "So you are telling me that you want to go to that hell hole instead of IB" you noded even though you didn't quite agree to his choice of words.

"Oh yeah, that would happen over my dead body, anyways, I am tired for your jokes now. I am going to sleep, so help yourself" he answered nonchalantly. "Also there's left over food in the fridge, just in case" he said walking back to his bedroom.

Oh this is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought...

Alright, so don't really have anything to say. How you all doing?? I am good, thanks for asking, I hope you did coz I don't wanna make a fool of myself.

Anyways I was just wanted to know, how old are you all? I hope not less than 13, coz then kid, go and do your homework or something.

Anyways who am I saying, I am sixteen myself, going to be seventeen this year. Yeah I just wanted to say that, I am still a minor and look at what I am doing here.

Also today's shoutout goes to aamayasahay thank you so for your wonderful comments they make my day. Hove you have a great day ahead.

Don't forget to break your fingers on the vote button.

See you in the next chapter.

~Author Nim.

P.S:- I am too tired to do proof reading so ignore the errors, pewese.

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