CHAPTER ONE - New Beginnings

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"Honey! Are you ready I need to get to work?" Alessia's Mother Lily yelled from car sitting in the driveway.

Alessia threw her bag around her back as she shut the front door behind her and raced to her car.
"Sorry! I was fixing up my hair..."

"You look beautiful darling, I can tell you're nervous for your first day." Lily addressed smiling at her daughter.

"It's that obvious, huh?" Alessia asked.

"It's obvious because I'm your Mother. We are almost here anyway so no one will be able to tell if you're nervous or not because they don't know you like I do!" Lily replied.

"There it is... ok I love you, see you at 4?" Alessia said as she waved goodbye to her Mom.

"See you then, I love you." Lily professed.

The music playing in the car slowly got quieter as her Mother drove away. Alessia turned around and faced the entrance of her new school. She took a deep breath before taking anymore steps to gain confidence. She walked up the stairs and through the doors where halls were filled with new faces. She looked down at a piece of paper where her class schedule and locker number were written down.

"1069... here it is." Alessia whispered to herself as she opened her locker.

She fed all her books into the locker neatly until the bell rang. She gathered the things she needed for class and made her way to the science labs.

" You must be Miss Edmonds... I'm Mr Harris  class this is our new student make her feel welcome. Miss Edmonds just take a seat at the empty lab for today." Mr Harris said with an aggressive undertone.

Alessia placed her things on the empty lab table as all the eyes were on her. She tried to shake off the weird feeling, but couldn't help but look around the room. As she slowly turned her head she locked glazes with a boy. Once he realised she had caught him, he attempted to play it off. Alessia let out a quiet giggle and smiled at the awkward boy.

"Jackson, late on the first day? Sit here for today." Mr Harris ordered, pointing to the empty chair next to Alessia.

The boy Jackson rolled his eyes and threw his bag on the floor next to the table.

"Turn to page 342 and answer question 1 through 6 with your partner next to you." Mr Harris said scanning the room with his beady eyes.

Alessia turned to Jackson and smiled, "Hey, um I'm Alessia."

"I'm sure you already know who I am, you know I'm basically captain of every team at this school." Jackson proudly announced.

She wiped the smile off her face as watched him grab his hand with the other. Alessia's mind drifted away from reality as a flashback appeared in her brain. Her Father grabbed his hand with the other right before he swung. Alessia tried to stop him and her breath green shorter and shorter-

"Excuse me... are you alright?" A girl asked, snapping Alessia back into reality.

"Oh I'm sorry I- yeah I'm fine thanks." Alessia said uncertainly.

The girl tried to smile but her forehead scrunched up in confusion. The bell rang and the sound of footsteps in the halls grew louder.
Alessia walked through the halls leading to her next class. As Alessia sat through class, the whole day became a blur and it all mixed in together as if time had hardly passed. The final bell rang and Alessia walked out to the front of the school and patiently waited for her Mom.

"Hey Honey! How was it?" Lily asked.

"Yeah it was alright, nothing too out of the ordinary." Alessia replied.

"Any cute boys?" Lily smirked.

"I haven't really spoken to anyone yet." Alessia responded.

"Well, there is always tomorrow." Lily smiled.


Settling into school again was harder than Alessia initially thought. Making friends was tough and even finding the courage to ask for a hall pass was hard enough. Every now and then she would catch herself flinch if a male came too close to her or bumped into her. But her main focus was school.

"Complete the experiment In groups of five" Mr Harris instructed clearly.

Alessia turned around to see that everyone was already forming into their groups.

"Hey! Alessia, you can join our group." The girl from last week said. "I'm Allison by the way"

Alessia picked up her text book and dragged her chair over to the bench behind her.
She looked up and smiled at everyone at the table.

"This is Scott and Jackson." Allison smiled.

"She knows who I am." Jackson interrupted

"And this is Stiles..." Allison said pointing to the awkward boy from her first day.

"Hey I'm Alessia." Alessia greeted.

The five of them completed the experiment while making small talk to pass the time of Me Harris' dreading lessons. 
Just as the bell rang Allison asked, "Alessia, do you want to come have lunch with us?"

"Yeah, yeah that'd be great!" Alessia smiled.

She walked out of the classroom and found her way through the hall ways back to her locker. She walked towards the cafeteria and looked through the doors, scanning the large room. She searched for Allison, Scott, Jackson or Stiles. Eventually she spotted Stiles' buzz cut from across the cafeteria. Alessia approached them and hesitantly placed her lunch tray on their table.

"Lydia, this Alessia. She's new." Allison introduced Alessia to a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair.

"Your skirt is to die for!" Lydia responded as she touched the fabric of her skirt.

"Thanks my Dad got-" Alessia said before she cut herself off. "I mean, I got it for my birthday last year."

"I love it." Lydia smiled.

"So how are you liking Beacon Hills so far?" Scott asked intrigued.

Alessia replied, "I'm not sure yet. Something here seems a little different, but in a cool way. I think i'm going to like it here."

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