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He was beautiful, but his beauty was not the way people interpret beauty as. He painted rainbows in my life that was just a black canvas. They say, once in a lifetime you will fall in love with someone who can turn your world upside down. But that was understatement. I fell in love with him with uncertainties and I fell for him during the time that I didn't expect I would fall in love with someone. Almost every moment of my life, I do believe that the real definition of falling will always be related to being hurt and that is why I guarded my heart for so long, building these walls, so that I would never have to go through the pain of falling. Little did I know, he came into my life and made me see and realized that after all, falling is not that bad and that uncertainties are sometimes what you need in your life.

He came into my life in the most bizarre way possible. It wasn't the made up fairytale that made you believe that there is someone out there, a prince charming, waiting for you with a castle. In a way, he was someone I would never thought will ever be this important to me. He was more than what I've ever wanted. He was innocent but that's what makes you love him even more. He was clumsy, but in a comforting way. He was nosy, and that makes me smile every time, because he will never go a day without invading your space and annoy you but when he's not there, you will feel the emptiness. This oblivious void that only he can fill. His brown doe eyes shine the most when he looked at me, his brown hair, so soft it feels like cotton candy when I run my fingers through it but the one thing I love about him is his beautiful, genuine, smile. You know that kind of smile, where you don't get to see every day, but when it appeared, it sent butterflies and flutter your heart. That kind of smile that send me all the way around the orbit of love that sometimes it malfunctions me.

Ironically, his name is Sky. It caught me off guard when I learned his name was Sky. It was like the world was trying to tell me that he was this fallen angel that I don't deserve in my life. In a way, it felt like that because every single moment, will always be filled with surprises and the more I get to know who this man is, the more I questioned whether the concept of guardian angel really existed and it gets me every time I looked up into the sky. When I first met him, I was having a really bad day, my best friend betrayed me to the point I actually wondered what did I do to deserve to be put in such situations. It killed me every step of the way out of the bathroom stall, after listening to the person you trusted your whole life with, saying if they can, they just want you gone from this world and the next thing you know, your tears streamed down your face as you looked up into the sky, wanting everything to end. But then, he appeared in front of your face, standing with all his glory, smiling and looking down at you, blocking the sunlight out of your face.

"What are you doing?" He asked, still smiling. "You could get a really serious skin cancer if you stay like this the whole day"

In disbelief, I got up from the place I was laying down to get a better look on this stranger, and I laughed in his face and believe me, the confusion in his face was so funny, it almost made me feel bad.

"Are you okay? I saw you crying and I couldn't leave you alone so I stayed there.." He turned around and showed me the bench he was sitting on, "But you've been under the sun for almost 2 hours now and it's concerning."

I looked at him again, "I won't"

That look appeared on his face again, "What?" He said.

"I won't get skin cancer, unless you're implying that the sun stays in the same place for 24 hours, then I might."

He scoffed, amused, "For someone who just cried their eyes out, you still could outsmart everyone along the way."

And, he smiled, and the next moment was history, just like in movies where a certain moment that contributes to the biggest plot was shown on the big screen and everything else was blurred out until the next scene. Our love story was weird, but amusing at the same time. At that moment, I know, that this man will be the reason I wasn't afraid of falling. It was amusing how he acts like a sandbox, that when I fall, no matter how hard the impact is, I will always be able to get up and dust those sand away and continue soaring like birds.

In a way, Sky was the only person in my life that I would never trade for the world but then, the world works in a funny way because in giving me the lesson about life, it took away the most important thing in my life. It took away the reason for me to breathe, it took away the reason I stopped crying for the silliest misfortune in life. I closed my eyes for the 20th time of the day, as I put down the mat on the grass, and laid myself and looked up into the sky, and thought to myself, "The hardest part wasn't letting you go, but it was trying to understand how much you wanted to stay but you can't" and at that time, I wished, a guy with the brown hair and golden complexion, would come and invade my alone time just to make me stop crying and laughed again, but I understood, even if you wanted a guardian angel to stay, they cannot and I wished they do. I wish Sky did. But, I will never regret the chances I took in life, and the decisions I made and the doubts about my uncertainties because without a doubt, if I had to choose between having the perfect life and going through the same thing I went through, I would choose the latter one because that would mean I can be with Sky for as long as I want, over and over again. 

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