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2. 1 older sister

3. currently no ):

4. Tomoe frim kamisama kiss, probably some others but i can't think now

5.  chralloween

6. English

7. Native: English

8. Mother: English

9. im very English 

i know these facts are very naff but there you go.

i love 60, 70, and 90s music

my birthday is on January 22nd

my star sign is Aquarius

I like gymnastics and have been for years now

I hate coffee. go bash me about it but i find it disgUstang

one day i was emptying the dishwasher, and the bumbaclart that i am dropped a plate on my toe and i have a bruise on it and it's been there since May, it's now a part of me :D

i'm choking on some doritos and walkers salt and vinegar crisps while typing this

i'm an arsenal supporter 🔴

i like trains (i hope someone will get this joke and not think i actually like trains lmfao)

raven tagged me back in January 16th, if i'm not wrong so i'm doing this 9 months and 15 days later :]]]]]]]]]






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