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Here is the form you have to fill out and comment below to have you're cover created. 

The payment for covers is for you to follow me and if you don't like the cover- feel free to reject it or add suggestions. If you feel uncomfortable following us- payment could be joining one of our writing contests, recommending one of our books. Enjoy! 

1. Authors Name (Your name/user)

2. Book Title

3. Summary of the book

4. Book genre

5. Face claim (If you want people on your cover)

6. What style do you want? (Check out examples to see what the style options are)

7. What do you want on it? What do they look like/What does it look like? 

8. Some more info/ any specifics (Optional)

9. The designer you would like to create your graphic (Tag them)

10. If you are V.I.P. or not (More info on that in rules and payment)

11. Password (Your favorite book series)

12. Add your name to the available batch or just fill out the form on the batch

Fill out form here --------- >

(This should take 1-4 days. If you want it done fast just comment that)

I can also make profile pics, banners and logo's. Just comment ideas you want but give me some creative space to work with. 

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 (𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now