Welcome to U.A.

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|Todoroki Pov|

I woke up and my eyesight was kinda fuzzy, but I didn't mind. I got out of bed and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and some breakfast. I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door, I'm surprised I didn't see father on the way out. I was constantly thinking to myself on the way to school when i bumbed into a boy. I had to bend over a little bit to see him, but he had this spikey ash brown hair and beautiful red eyes. "AI! Watch where your going!!" The red eyed boy yelled at me. He looked at me with a stern look on his face. I look at him and tilt my head. "I'm sorry. Please accept my humble appology.." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

He scoffed and kept walking, I looked at what he was wearing and I relized he was in a U.A. uniform. Welp I hope hes not in my class... That wouldn't end out well. I walk into the school building and check my paper to see what class im in. Hmm... 1A. I keep walking down the hallway and stop infront of a giant door with the word/number 1A. I open the door which was cold for some reason. I walk in and look around. I see Midoriya talking to a brown haired girl with a bob cut. I met Midoriya during the entrance exam, and I saw how he saved that girl he is currently talking to. He is incredible. (Not sure if I spelled that right) I look the the back of the room and I see some empty seats so I walk over and take one closest to the window.

I'm looking around and I hear the door open, it was that ash brown haired boy again. He speed walked over to a seat near the window, which happened to be the seat infront of me. So he is in my class... well this isn't going to end well. I sigh and just lay my head down and close my eyes.

|Bakugou Pov|

I look out the window, just to see a bunch of news reporters outside the school gate. I see a figure in the faint reflection of the glass window. It was that annoying half n' half haired guy that walked into me, he had some nerves. I look behind me and he has his eyes closed. He looked stupid... his hair was messy and in his face. He looked kinda cu- HOLD UP- NO, NO NO NO NO NO... NOO. Hell no. "Hey- Bakubro? Why are you staring at Todoroki?" Shitty Hair says while standing infront of my desk. So his name is Todoroki huh? Well im going to make his life a laving hell. I look at shitty hair and then out of no where- Dunce face pops up. "What do you want Shitty Hair!" I retort. "Hey! My hair isn't that different from yours!" He retorts back. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yell at them with a snarl on my face. Dunce face backs up and grabs Kirishima, I love those two,(No homo) but sometimes THEY ARE FUCKING IDIOTS!

"Still, why were you staring at Todoroki?" Dunce face asks. "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" I shout at the two idiots. Kirishima and Denki walk back too thier desk and start talking to eachother. I look back at the Half n' Half bastard and his eyes are open. SHIT! Did he hear that? Oh wait- He sees me staring at him. Damn it! "Why are you staring at me?" He asked. "None of your damn business." I say back. "And fix your hair! It's a mess." I add in. "Thank you..." He cuts of, I pick up on it. "Bakugou, my name is Bakugou Kastuki." I say without making eye contact. "Thank you Kastuki!" He replies with a smile. "Call me Bakugou DAMN IT! And... your welcom I guess," I mumble the last part. He clearly heard it because he smiled a bit more. It was cute- wait... Am I gay?

Hello! this is my first wattpad story and I don't expect alot of reads I just made this for fun. I hope you all enjoys these few paragraphs. If you want longer chapters just ask me and I'll try my best! Have a nice week!

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