Your First Day

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The Train Ride

It is your first year at Hogwarts and you are nervous because you know this is also Harry Potters first year as well. You ride the train and end up setting in a compartment with two nearly identical boys. You are setting there reading a book and one of the boys looks at you, 'Hello we are Fred Weasley, and this is George Weasley what is your name?" You look at the boys, I am Y/n Y/l/n. It is nice to meet you. Just then a girl with frizzy hair already in her robes walks in, Have you seen a toad named Trevor a boy named Neville has lost one? You, Fred, and George shake your head and the girl leaves. The rest of the ride is calm you chat a bit Fred and George move beside you. You set in the middle of them you end up falling asleep on Georges shoulder. They wake you up half an hour before you are meant to get to Hogwarts, Hey Y/n you better wake up and change into your robes we are almost there. You change and meet them back in your compartment and set and chat for the remainder of the trip.

You get to Hogwarts and are separated from Fred and George you go on the magical boats you are in a boat setting with a blond-haired boy called Draco Malfoy he complains the whole time because he is setting with a, Filthy little Mud blood. You get to the school and are took inside Professor McGonagall explains," there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be like your family your triumph will earn, you points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." Suddenly a boy named Neville jumps forward and grabs a toad saying, "Trevor there you are!" Then the boy apologizes to the professor and we are moved to the great hall to be sorted.

Sorting Hat

He boy named Draco is called first and is sorted into Slytherin. McGonagall calls, Y/n Y/l/n you set on the stool scared for what house you will be sorted into. You hope you get Gryffindor the hat begins speaking, Hmmm intelligent and smart but also brave and loyal better be GRYFFINDOR!!!! You stand up and walk to the table George and Fred make a spot in between them and pat it referencing for you to set down. You walk over and take your seat and eat your dinner chatting with them. It is after dinner and you are walking to the common room following Percy Weasley. As you walk Fred and George catch up to you and interlock their arms with yours. Hey Y/n want to hang out with us down here for a bit you agree and set on the couch with them like you did on the train.

Before Bed

While you set with them, they chat with you about pranks they are already planning you ask them if you can help them wit them and they agree that you can. You set there and George gets up to go to bed you and Fred stay down-stairs and chat some more. You end up laying down on him our head in his lap. You end up falling asleep, so he stays there for a bit then picks you up and caries you to your dormitory playing you on your bed and leaving going to his dorm and falling asleep.

You wake up and get dressed walking down the stair case chatting with Hermione you meet George and Fred down there and thank Fred for carrying you up to your dorm. You ask them to walk with you to Professor McGonagall's class even though they have potions the agree you lock your arms with them as you have gotten used to it and walk to McGonagalls class getting there a few minutes early and watching them dash off to potions.

First Day Classes

You set in McGonagalls class waiting for her to start the class just then two boys run in Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Ron says, Whew we made it can you imagine the look on old McGonagalls face if we were late? You and Hermione shake your heads as McGonagall transforms from a cat to herself ad says, Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure you or Mister Potter into a pocket watch that way maybe one of you could be on time. Harry then says, Well we got lost. McGonagall responds with, Then perhaps a map. After that class was in order and there were no other problems.

Professor Snape's class is next and you are nervous because it is said his class is the toughest and he is strict. You decide to set in the back you decide to copy down every word he says. " I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death." Harry is already being yelled at and it hasn't been 10 minutes. Class goes on and it seems like Hermione knows everything. Draco was favored by Snape quite a bit you could tell that Snape was trying to hide his favoritism but he wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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