Happy 19th & 18th Birthday, Camilla & Corinne!

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The date was January 5th, 2021. It was afternoon in Negi Root City. The school bus arrived at the d'Aglior residence to drop Stephanie Avery (Silent Voice) off. Once she got off the bus, she opened the door and walked in. The dogs Stacey and Bella barked at her.

Silent Voice: Hi, doggies!

Ciel: Hi, Stephanie. How was school?

Silent Voice: Alright.

Ciel: And how is Isaiah?

Silent Voice: Still refusing to talk to me. *sigh*

Ciel: Don't worry. He'll come around.

Silent Voice: Hey, where are you going?

Ciel: I'm going to the cemetery...again.

Silent Voice: Who died now?

Ciel: You know Camilla Cortez (Hatsune Miku Cute) and Corinne Wheeler (Kagamine Rin Cute)?

Silent Voice: Not in person. But I've heard their song called Promise a bunch. How did they die?

Ciel: COVID.

Silent Voice: Aw. Well, don't let me stop you.

Ciel asked Soleil to take him to the cemetery, and in a flash of gold, he disappeared.

The DuBlois twins arrived at the cemetery.

Soleil: Hey, there's somebody there already.

She pointed about 10 feet away. There was Bradley Hillary (Bad Boy) and his dad. Ciel walked up to them.

Ciel: Bradley?

Bad Boy: Oh, hi Ciel.

Mr. Hillary: Hello there, Mr. DuBlois.

Ciel: I'm really sorry about your loss. Both of your losses. I know that Camilla was a good friend of yours.

Bad Boy: Thanks, Ciel.

Ciel: How is your little boy dealing with all of this?

Bad Boy: You mean Zachary? Well, he's only a baby, so he wouldn't know about something like this. He barely got to meet his own daddy.

He started to cry again. Bradley's dad hugged him.

Ciel: If I had the power to revive COVID victims like Camilla and Corinne, I would.

Mr. Hillary: Well, we better get going. Zachary's waiting in the car.

Bad Boy: Tell Angie I said hi.

Ciel: I will.

The Hillary boys went back to their car. And Ciel disappeared from the cemetery.

Ciel arrived back home.

Silent Voice: How did it go?

Ciel: Bradley misses his girlfriend and good friend.

Silent Voice: Aw.

And that's it. Happy birthday, Hatsune Miku Cute and Kagamine Rin Cute. I'll wish you guys in the next story!

Hatsune Miku Cute And Kagamine Rin Cute's BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now