The Beginning Of It All Pt. 1

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        Lightning and Rarity Ep. 1 Season 1 "The Beginning Of It All Pt. 1" (Series Premiere)

It starts off to when you see Lightning Flash sitting behind this fireplace. Lightning said, "Hello my name is Lightning Flash I am an adventure pony that likes to go on adventures". You see Rarity runs in next to Lightning. Rarity said, "and my name is Rarity I... guess I like to go on adventures with Lightning and I like to do fashion and all of that". Lightning said, "Yeah we like to do it a whole lot because.. We are just awesome like that.. Right Rarity" Rarity said, "Yep that's right Lightning" Lightning said, "Okay so let's cut to the chase well if you are wondering how we met.. I guess we can tell you well it started off like this". The Lightning and Rarity theme song comes on. After the theme song you see Lightning Flash flying down ponyville and then you see it's all sunny and all the ponies are happy and everything looks sunny and happy. Lightning sighs and says, "What a beautiful day ponies are smiling, birds are chirping, the sun is out... Yep today is perfect". You see Rarity walking down ponyville and then she walks over to this table and is working on this bird nest. You see Lightning walks over to Rarity not watching where he's going he accidentally bumps into Rarity. Lightning and Rarity screamed and they both fell down hard. Lightning said, "Owww... Oh I'm sorry I guess I wasn't watching where I was going" Rarity gets up and then she looks over at Lightning. Rarity said, "Oh it quite alright it was an accident" Rarity walks over to the bird nest and she starts working on it. Lightning said, "Well.. alright see ya" Lightning Flash starts flying away. Rarity said, "Bye Bye" You see Lightning flies down ponyville and then you see all the ponies are walking in their house. Lightning said, "Huh.. what's going on why is all the ponies going in their houses" You see Pinkie Pie is jumping and she jumps over to Lightning Flash. Pinkie said, "Hello Total Complete Stranger! You gotta get out of here a big hurricane storm is coming! Ahhhh!" Pinkie starts running away super fast. Lightning said, "A Hurricane Storm?" Lightning looks up and he doesn't see any clouds. Lightning said, "Seriously.. It's completely sunny out I don't think a storm is.." You hear thunder sounds going on in the sky and dark clouds comes in fast and then it starts getting a little windier. Lightning said, "Huh.. Whoa it's getting a little windy". You see it starts raining hard and then you see it is really windy and Lightning starts trying to walk forward and he is struggling and then you see his hair is waving fast in the wind. Lightning said, "Must... Get... AWAY!.. Must get back home!!" You see Lightning Flash walks over to his door and he reaches out his hoof getting ready to open it but is still struggling. You hear Rarity screaming. Rarity said, "HELP! Ahhhh! Somepony!! Help Me!" You see Rarity starts trying to hold onto this pole and then she is getting all wet" Rarity said, "Ohhh! Why does rain have to be so.. WET!" Lightning Flash sees Rarity and then he looks back at the house and back at Rarity. Lightning sighs and then he flies fast toward Rarity. Lightning said, "Hey!" Rarity looks over and sees Lightning. Rarity said, "Wha.." You see Lightning walks over to Rarity and then he reaches out his hoof to her. Lightning said, "Come on! we gotta get out of here!" Rarity looks over at Lightning and then she grabs Lightning's hoof and then they both start walking through the hurricane storm and they both start struggling to walk through it and then they both start to fly in the sky from the wind picking them up. Lightning and Rarity starts screaming and then you see they go flying and then Lightning and Rarity goes flying fast toward Lightning's house and they crash through the door. Lightning said, "Oww!" You see Rarity goes flying and then she crashes into the kitchen and then all you hear is a big crash. Lightning gasps and says, "Are you alright?" Lightning runs into the kitchen and he sees Rarity sitting on the ground and she looks dizzy and she has this cup on her head and it's spinning. Lightning walks over and he takes the bowl off of her. Rarity looks really dizzy and then she starts talking in a funny way and then she falls over and gets knocked out and falls over. Lightning said, "Oh my gosh.." You see it fades out and then it fades into when you see Rarity is sleeping on the couch and then she has this cover on her and her head is on a pillow and then you see she slowly starts to wake up. Rarity said, "Huh.. Wha.. what happened" Lightning said, "Oh we crashed through the door and you got knocked out in the kitchen because of this crazy storm" Rarity said, "What!". Lightning said, "Yeah but are you okay you were knocked out for pretty long... I mean the storm already stopped" Rarity said, "Wow how long was I out?" Lightning said, "a few hours" Rarity said, "What! That's not that bad.." Lightning said, "Yes it is!! It felt like twenty hundred years!" Rarity said, ".....Over exxagerating a bit" Lightning sighs and hoofpalms. Rarity said, "Well anyways thanks for saving me and all of that other stuff" Lightning said, "No problem" Rarity gets up and she sits down on the couch. Rarity said, "So what's your name?" Lightning said, "My name is Lightning Flash what's yours?" Rarity said, "I'm Rarity" Lightning said, "Oh well nice to meet you Rarity" Rarity said, "Nice to meet you too" Lightning said, "So anyways.. Do you like video games?" Rarity said, " Umm..." Rarity looks around to check to make sure nopony is around. Rarity said, "Yes.. I do" You see Lightning is about to talk but Rarity interrupts him. Rarity said, " No No No No wait... Please don't tell anypony it's a secret I don't really want any pony to know" Lightning said, "Why?" Rarity said, "It's a long story.. but I Adore! video games! what kinds do you have" Lightning said, "I Have Pony Slasher 5" Rarity gasps and says, "Pony Slasher 5! That is the most popular and expensive video game this year! How in the world did you get it" Lightning said, "My brother Glowspark he is into video games like a lot One time Glowspark went into a game store and he fought the game owner for a video game... Literally he Fought!! Him" Rarity said, "Wow.... Umm.. What happened" Lightning said, "Well Glowspark chucked the game store owner down a toilet" Rarity said, "Geez!" Lightning said, "I know right it was so messed up" Rarity said, "Cool.. Okay let's start playing shall we". Rarity picks up a controller and then you see Lightning turns on the T.V and then he picks up a controller and then Lightning and Rarity starts playing the video game Pony Slasher 5. Lightning and Rarity starts playing the game all night until 11:00 at night and then they start to get tired and then they go to sleep. It goes into the next morning and then you see Lightning and Rarity wakes up and they start walking down Ponyville. Lightning said, "Hey Rarity" Rarity said, "Yes Lightning". Lightning said, "Does this mean we're like.. Friends Now?" Rarity said, "well yes of course we have a lot of things in common we should be like the best of friends" Lightning said, "Yeah we should". Rarity said, "Do you want to?" Lightning said, "Umm.. Yeah sure". Rarity started jumping up and down in excitement and then she hugged Lightning tightly. Rarity said, "This is the Best Day Ever!!" Lightning said, "Yeah I know!". Rarity stopped hugging Lightning and then she kept walking. Rarity said, "Come on let me introduce you to my other friends". Lightning said, "Okay let's do it" Lightning and Rarity walks over to Sugar Cube Corner and you see Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie there and you see they are blowing these balloons. Twilight said, "How do you use these things.." Twilight tried to blow a bubble but she stopped and she starts looking at the bubble wand and then she drops it and then she dips her whole hoof into the bubble soap and then she tries to blow a bubble with that but it fails and all the soap blows into Applejack's mouth. Applejack starts spitting out all of the soap and then she runs into kitchen and she grabs the hose and she starts washing her mouth out with water and then you see she accidentally sprays some water onto Pinkie and then she screams and falls back hard and then you see she falls into Fluttershy and then she does her Flutter Small Scream and then a butterfly flies into Rainbow's mouth and she starts choking on a butterfly and she falls over and then the butterfly flies out. You see Lightning and Rarity looks shocked. Rarity said, "Uhh.. They aren't usually always like this.. Heh Heh" Lightning just looks at Rarity. Rarity said, "......Okay they are always like this" Lightning said, "Of course.."

The End

To Be Continued

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