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       ~Hey... this is my first story on here and I want to know what you people think...  So comment, send me a message please to let me know. :) ♥ ~ Chey ♥♥

“Rest your head down on the dancing grass. Listen to the story of my past, may you feel what I have felt. Endure through the everlasting fire that burns inside my heart and on my blackened skin. As lovely as a rose, this will make it wilt with pain. The colour will be drained from the beginning you hear it till the last word I breathe,” whispered a voice that travelled with the wind to the people who stood right outside the swaying gate.

 Envy seemed to enjoy the faint whisper, for a smile laced upon her black covered lips. Her royal blue eyes gave off an amusement as she caught the smallest of movement from her friend, Ink move. With the smallest movement of her eyes, she locked them with Ink’s curious ones. Without a word, it seemed that both of them knew what they had to do. They had to go into the abandoned house to find the person who the mysterious voice belong to.

Their footsteps echoed down the empty sidewalks as they made their way past the creaky wooden gate. From the outside, the windows were broken and some have been covered with wood. Black crows cawed mockingly at Envy and Ink as they flew around the perimeter of the abandoned house. Tombstones littered the front yard with cracks in them with faded letters. Around the tombstones, grass swayed and tickled your ankles when you walked through it. Bushes would tug on your legs as if trying to warn Envy and Ink about what was inside the house. Coming closer to the house, the stairs gave off a weak creaky sound even though no one was on them. The old- broken down door also gave off a moaning sound of pain.

Ink skipped up the stairs and disappeared into the house, leaving Envy to stare through one of the windows. She noticed that the lights were flickering on and off. The wind howled through her hair, pushing her forward a bit. Envy shrugged and squeezed through the half open door to be covered with darkness in every which direction till the lights came flickering on again. It took a few seconds to adjust to the poor lit hallway. Her friend seemed to simply disappear down a hallway that led to the century-old looking stairs that went upstairs.

“Ink, wait up! Don’t even think about trying to scare me! You know,” exclaimed Envy, “it won’t work!”

She heard a giggle coming from behind a bookcase that looked like it was hugging the wall for support. A smirk appeared on her lips as she tip- toed over the satin red carpet to where the bookcase was. She stopped and looked behind the bookcase, but nothing or no one was there. Confused, she barely caught the sound of Ink calling her name to hurry up.

Shaking the feeling away, she hurried up the stairs, that didn’t even make a sound, up to her impatient friend. Ink gave her that what-in-the-name-of-a-spiderweb-is-taking-you-so-long-to-catch-up type of look.  Envy gave her an apologetically smile and walked past her to one of the bathrooms.

Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and a small light was radiating from somewhere under the floor. In the dim light, Envy and Ink saw long ragged cracks going down the mirror. Their reflections were cut into different sections, making them look messed up in a way.

“Wonder how the cracks got here?” wondered Ink out loud.

“Probably, someone had a spaz attack and threw something against the mirror, “Envy stated with a small shrug of her shoulders.

They stayed staring into the mirror, wondering and waiting for the impossible answer to appear in front of them. The first to break the everlasting silence was Ink when she decided to walk out of the dim lit bathroom into another hallway. Her footsteps echoed down the interior of the hallway. Envy soon followed after her friend in pursuits to find something interesting.

For the first time in arriving in the mysterious house, Ink noticed cobwebs and real spiders dangling from the corners of the walls. Her eyes brightened when she saw an old black and white picture hanging behind one of the abandoned cobwebs. The cobwebs were as delicate as a newborn baby and Ink knew that touching it that it would break apart.  Reaching her hand through the delicate web, she snatched the picture off the wall.

Bringing the picture down to eye level, she looked at it with curiosity on who the girl was in the picture. The amber flame in her eyes intensified in colour when she ran her index finger on the frame of the picture.  At some spots it was flat and smooth and on other parts it was rough with delicate patterns engraved into it. 

Turning it over, she noticed handwriting on the back. Though it was faded and the lighting in the area was having a constant battle between you seeing and being a blind person wandering aimlessly in the all direction, Ink could still make out a name and two dates.

“Jessica Jerkin Jefferson. 1890 to 1903. Hmm,” Ink read in a whisper just loud enough for anyone lurking close to her could hear.

Envy came up behind her and grabbed the picture from her hand. She looked at it for a moment before placing it on the ground, beside a rusty vase. She smiled and looked towards a room that was giving off a lot of light compared to the rest of the house. Walking towards it, she saw something move around inside because the light soon disappeared for a few moments as if someone was standing in front of the source.

Ink followed Envy and opened the door to see a lamp that wasn’t plugged in to be on and the windows curtains were still moving as if someone was right there a moment ago. Seeing no one beside the curtain, curiosity sparked in them as they moved closer to inspect the window.  Seeing no traces of anyone being there, they both moved away and looked at the lamp.

The smallest flick of a movement caught their attention from the lamp to something on the bed. At first, it looked empty, but after a moment it came clear there was someone sitting in the middle of the bed. Envy squinted her eyes and rubbed them to see if she was imagining someone there or not. Indeed, she wasn’t.

Ink stared at the person for a moment before realizing she was the one from the picture she was looking at earlier. Her blue eyes widened in shock and curiosity on how the person died and how she was right there in front of her. Before she could ask any question or make one sound, the ghost girl started to speak.

“1903 was the year I learnt that in a blink of an eye everything you thought you knew could disappear into ashes. I know this from first hand. I lost my mother, father, my younger sisters and everything I knew. In a blink of an eye a lot of things can happen.  Do you know how it feels to die a slow painful death?” ghost girl asked, her eyes staring at them with no emotions.

Both of them shook their heads and listened to the rest.

“Well, I have. It was in the year 1903 and it was very hot outside. I think it was an early August morning when the fire started. I was picking strawberries when I saw smoke coming out from my house. I ran back and went inside, looking for my family. I never found them. I died looking for them and even now I’m looking for them to see if they lived through the fire or died along with me.” Jessica Jefferson sighed, “Now I stay here and moan at night, waiting for my family to come back to me.” And with that, Jessica, the ghost girl stood and disappeared into a wall.

Envy and Ink stared at the wall in amazement and still was curious about a few things. Like why does she stay here, not go out and look for them. Questions stirred through their minds, but they decided to leave so their parents didn’t come looking for them like usual.

Walking out of the house, they heard the same whisper that made them want to go and explore.

“Rest your head down on the dancing grass. Listen to the story of my past, may you feel what I have felt. Endure through the everlasting fire that burns inside my heart and on my blackened skin. As lovely as a rose, this will make it wilt with pain. The colour will be drained from the beginning you hear it till the last word I breathe,” whispered the voice, that they now knew belong to the ghost girl.

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