Chapter 1

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"The Date? I don't f*ckin know anymore. How do I feel? I don't know, uncomfortable? Why am I writing in a journal? My therapist said that it would be good for me" Kai was focused on his journal, mostly because that's the only thing he could do in his class. He adjusted his glasses and got his blue and green hair out of his eyes. As he wrote he couldn't tell how much time had passed by, he was brought out of his mind and back into real life when the bell rang.

"Sh*t-" he scrambled to pick up and leave and almost forgot to zip his bag closed. He raced out of the classroom and went to his locker.

"Ugh, did I forget the code again?" he muttered under his breath. As he struggled to unlock his locker he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around ready to slap a bitch and suddenly couldn't move. He didn't know how to react, he wasn't usually faced with people with kind looks towards him. His mind was full of thoughts. "Fag", "Tranny", "Gay Dude", "Freak", "That one Weirdo", they were all names from the past, and they were continuously spinning in his head.

"Hi, I'm Dillon, you left some of your notes back in Miss Green's classroom, here you go." He hands Kai the loose notebook papers.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Kai took the notes and was still a little shocked. "So, how long have you been going to this school? I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"A couple of years" Dillon says with his hands in his jacket pockets, "I'm the captain of the football team."

"So that's why I've never noticed you before!" Kai chuckled, "I don't really pay attention to many games, and I don't know any of the players."

"Oh really, well you should come out to one of the games someday, there's usually a pretty big crowd, and we have a lot of fun."

"Sounds like the complete opposite of what I like to do," Kai laughed again, "I'll think about it, honestly, I have stuff going on after school a lot of the time." He meant therapy, but he didn't want Dillon to know about that. He didn't know who he could trust.

"Okay, I understand, well I hope to see you there sometime." Dillon smiles and walks away.

"Uhh, I still can't open this thing..." Kai hears the bell ring and sprints to his next class. "Well, shit."

School ended and Kai texted his mom that he was walking to his therapist, it wasn't too far away. As he walked he passed the football team practicing and started walking slower. He was looking for Dillon.

"No, keep your mind on walking, just walk, walk and breathe. He probably doesn't even remember me." Kai started mumbling to himself. Then suddenly, Kai heard a voice behind him, "It cant be."

"Hey Kai!" Dillon walked up behind him. Kai looked behind him and smiled. "Hey Dillon, aren't you supposed to be practicing?"

"Nah, the boys can go without me for a bit." Dillon looks back and says

"Oh, okay." Kai continued walking.

"Hey wait up! Do you wanna come hang out with me and the team for a while?"

"I mean, I shouldn't, but sure!" Kai felt weird and his stomach started hurting a little bit. "Well, I think the whole team would be a little much for me."

"Well, I could skip practice, and you and I could go get some coffee or something from that café by the school." Dillon says persistently

"Sounds good to me." Kai says with a nervous tone in his voice. He starts walking again, this time with Dillon and they make their way to the café near the school. Kai opens the door for his new friend and they enter the building. Dillon linked arms with Kai as they were walking, the human affection made Kai blush. As they go to sit down at a table and Kai gets a call, he checks his phone and its his mom.

"Hey Mo-" he was cut off by his mother. "You know that you have therapy after school, you've never missed a session, what's up with you. Is school okay?" He could tell his mom was concerned.

"I'm fine, school is fine, I met someone and they offered to hang out at a café near the school. I'm fine Mom" Kai assured her, "I'll be home soon, and Jade can take care of herself." His mother said goodbye and I love you and hung up.

"Hey, Dillon, I gotta go" Kai laughed a little while speaking, he did that when he was nervous. "Oh, okay, that's cool. Maybe another time" Dillon smiled and waved Kai goodbye. Kai left the café and made his way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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