when i saw you 🖤🧡

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Noya's POV ::  ^ugh today is pretty boring no tea mhmhm wait...i get excepted back into the volleyball practice again tomorrow hmmmm should i go....?  ugh i guess i should but what if they hate me because of what happened...NO...if they hated me they wouldnt want me to come back to the team would they?...also i want to see the first years that are on the team i want to see if that #10 player is really as good as they say he is ...... i guess we will find out tommorrow huh ^      

( okay so ^^ means thinking just thought id tell you to try and help you )

BEEP BEEP "ugh shut up.....!!!"  *gasp* ^^TODAY IS THE DAY HOLY SHSHHSHSI------^^     

i got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean my teeth and to gel my hair when i get around to doing my hair i notice we have no fucking gel "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"  ^i forgot to buy gel yesterday mhmhmmhmh^  i grab a come and start pulling it through my hair i then quickly rush out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom i get my uniform back on and shove my volleyball clothes and jersey  into my bag  

                                               TIME SKIP TO WHEN HE IS OUTSIDE THE GYM    

^ I remember this place i love this place this is where it all started....and where it almost all finished...^ 

i Shakely grab the door open and when i do i see the new team members i then see a flash before my eyes a flash of orange i then see a boy who looks like he is flying in the air hit a spike that the tall #9 boy had set i see his number and he is the #10 that everyone has been talking about . 

Me :: omg im so sorry this chapter is so short like noya haha ok but the next chapter will be out later or tomorrow 

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