One "normal" family

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Steven woke up, just like every other day, hoping that he will suddenly be able to do something amazing and great. But, like every day, he not able to perform any amazing talent, just like the rest of his family. Steven's family was one of the only "normal" families in the city of Vensdsor River which known for its mining heritage, or at least it was before one collage graduate from the University of Vensdsor River, began experimenting on the people of the small town fifty years ago by injecting them with a chip that would give their lineage great talent, for he knew what was to come. But of course, his great-grandparents would not get the shot out of fear of the side effects. So from that day forward, they would be one of the only families that would be considered "normal."

Steven would always ask his mother, Ruby, who is a forty year old mother of three boy,

"Mom, why is it that grandma Josee and grandpa Victor chose to not get the shot when they were my age, and made our family the talentless FREAKS of the town?"

Ruby had always tried to teach hers sons to appreciate what they have, and to never take anything for granted, the same way that she had been raised, which had been tough doing on her own after her husband Lloyd had passed when a drunk driver had swerved into his lane one night on his way home from his job as a garbage man, one of the only jobs available to people without talents.

"STEVEN, how many times do I have to tell you, 'the best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard. But they must be felt with the heart.' Steven, you do have a talent. The talent of respecting others, even when they sometimes do not deserve it. Look at some of the people who have talents, they are some of the nastiest, rudest, people I have ever seen. If our family had gotten that shot, I would hate to see how you and your brothers turned out."

"Maybe if they had gotten that shot dad wouldn't have had to work for the city collecting peoples garbage and gotten in that accident, maybe he would still be hear," he mumbled under his breath, hoping his mother would not hear him.

"STEVEN ANDREWS, how dare you talk about them like that. I thought I had taught you better than that, I am very disappointed in you mister,"

And with that he made his way to The School for the Talentless, where he would spend eight hours learning about the job he had been assigned when he turned sixteen years old, coal mining, getting bullied by guys who had their own problems going on a home. From fathers who left them to fathers who beat them while they were drunk. Steven felt sorry for them knowing what they had go through at home. I guess I should just be thankful that my mom cares about us enough that she doesn't remarry someone like that, someone who screams and curses at their wife for no good reason and hits them, he thinks to himself.

Steven does this every day.

Until one day, on his way home from school, he bumps into a man who he did not recognize,

"Oh, sorry about that mister, I wasn't watching where I was going I'm terribly sorry again."

"What was that?" The man questioned.

"Huh," Steven asked, confused.

"What did you just say to me?" The man asked sternly.

"Um, I just, um, was saying that I was sorry that I bumped into you mister, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry."

"That is amazing," the man whispers to himself.

"What's that mister, I couldn't quite hear you?" Steven asks.

"I said that is amazing kid, what's your name son?"

"Um, Steven, sir, and what is amazing?"

"What is amazing young Steven, is that most boys your age when umping into someone, act as if it is the other persons fault, yet you, you apologized for it. Why is that?"

"Well, sir, that's just the way my mother raised me, to respect others even when they may not deserve it, because you never know what someone else is going through in their life."

"Well Steven, your mother is a definitely very wise lady and some people could use to learn a thing or two from her. You see Steven, I have been looking for someone to take in as a protégé, and teach my talent to, I will not live forever Steven, and I think you would be a perfect fit for that position."

"Wait, talents can be taught? I thought that they were something that could only go through your lineage?"

"Well, Steven, while many believe that to be true, I have found out in my field that there are cases of one person teaching their talents to another talentless person, though they try to keep quiet about it, so you can not really tell any one about it, okay Steven?" He asks almost pleading.

"Well mister, what is it that you do?"

"Before I can tell you that Steven, I need you to promise me you will not tell a living soul about any of this."

'So I can either live my life mining coal and be a no one, or I can take this risk and receive something I never thought I would be able to have,' he thinks to himself.

"well mister," he says pausing, "I'll do it, I'll join you so hopefully one day I'll learn how to do what it is that you do."

"Good Steven, now I can tell you a little more about myself. My name is Benjamin James, my friends call me Benji though, and went abroad during when I was in school to train and learn more about what it was that I was able to do. Since I was a young boy, about your age, I have been able to see every illness and problem that a person had wrong with them wither it be physical, or emotional. Take a look over there, you see that man?" he asks pointing at a man roughly fifty yard away. "That man has a slightly rapid heart beat, while he may not notice it now, over time it could become worse causing problems for him, and that woman over there, she is going through a very tough break-up right now."

"How is it that you can tell that?"

"I told you Steven, I can also see emotional problems in a person, I can see her literal broken heart."

"Wow Mr. James I bet your talent could help save a lot of peoples lives."

"Yes, while it can be very useful, it can also be very dangerous if it were to ever fall into the wrong hands, it could make a person unstoppable."

"Oh, ok, yes, I understand."

"Well then, we shall start your learning tomorrow, it will not be easy though, good day Steven." He says walking away.

Steven runs home excited to start learn about something he had only dreamed of up until this day.

Hey you guys, I would love to give a shoutout to

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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