Chapter 1 :Weird thing

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Hello, readers.This is my first mdzs fan fic ,I'm really sorry if it was bad.

Symbol meaning



Jin ling,sizhui and jingyi was night hunting on top of the mountain located at the back of gusu lan sect.Its all because 'they' had been complained about the roaming corpse from the villagers

(They = gusu lan's disciple.)

Jin ling basically take along with the hunt because he may had make Jiang cheng angry and run away from Jiang cheng.Well,it's wasn't his fault that his uncle was really easy to get mad.He just say a few words about not wanting to be sect leader of the jins.......,ok ,but that's not important now.

'Huh?what is this?'

Jin ling thought as he found something weird on the ground,he took another closer look.

"Hey ,shizui, you know what is this?"

He say but there was no respond.As he turn around there was no one there.

'oh yeah.i forgot,we split up to make it easier looking for the corpse'

Jin ling smack his forehead.Seems like that thing look really interesting that he forgot about his situation.That thing has a weird piramid shape,with a weird colour of dark red + black and a little button on top of it.

Inside ,Jin ling knows the he shouldn't touch that thing but somehow he ignored the warning from his head.He pick that thing up.

'hmm,maybe uncle Wei know what this thing is?maybe it's one of uncle Wei's weird creation'

Jin ling thought while remember that his uncle Wei loved to created weird thing,so he went down the mountain,looking for Wei wuxian at gusu lan sect forgetting the fact that he was supposed to hunt down the corpse..

Along his way down ,he keep looking at that things,take a few closer look,Wandering why this thing interest him so much.Suddenly he heard a loud laugh.Shocked,he abruptly stop.

"who laugh so loud?didn't they know that noise is forbidden in the cloud recesses,I will break their leg,I almost had a heart attack?!!!"

Jin ling spout angrily looking at the laughing direction,finding that the one who laugh so loud is his own uncle Wei

'uncle Wei,well nevermind'

He knows that Wei wuxian basically wouldnt change and didn't care about the rules.He sigh

"Uncle Wei!!!!!"

"Oh!Jin ling you here"

Wei wuxian look at his nephew running toward him while smiling.Meanwhile ,lan wangji at his side staring at him
(Aww~that was wangji hobby,staring at his wife)

"Yeah,I went to night hunt with shizui and jingyi looking for the corpse behind the mountain"

"Ouhh,is the hunt finish?is Jiang cheng know that you here?"

Wei wuxian ask.He knows that his shidi will be mad if his nephew go somewhere without permission so he take precautious by asking . If it's yes he will let relief sigh,ifs it not he will just pretend never meet Jin ling.

"No and"

"...What ?!you didn't tell Jiang you were here?ok that bad..really bad"

"Sorry,but it's my life why would I report everything to uncle"

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