Well that escalated quickly...

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I would just like to point out that the first chapter or so might not be that good, it gets better I promis!..At least, in my opinion it gets better..

Okay, here we go. My name is Emile, and this is my JOURNAL. It is not a diary!...okay, it is. But never tell anyone I said that. Anyway, I thought it would be good time to start a journal, kinda just because I have some stuff I need to get off my chest, and I think this is a good way to do it.

Ugh, my younger brother Josh keeps interrupting me. I haven't been able to add on to this for a couple hours. He acts mature in so many ways even though he's only twelve, but in other ways he's just so...child-like. I can't really blame him at all though, because we're all that way. all, meaning me, him, and our older brothers Jon and Tim. But Tim acts like the oldest more than any of us (and he is the oldest, so it makes sense), but Jon often tried to keep us from having any fun, or as he calls it, "Getting into trouble". Anyway, I thought this might be a good idea, because strange things have been happening lately, especially in this house. Sometimes the lights flicker out for no reason, and at game night, it would often seem like the characters were suddenly trying to jump out of the screen. But that was cool, for two reasons.

1) It would actually be really cool to meet people you've known of for so long

2) When the lights go out, one of the girls, Mesae Anella, gets really scared. And when she needs to grab on to something, it often just happens to be my hand.

And, I just had to lock Josh out of my room, and he just saw everything I've written down. He's probably telling Jon that I like Mesae right now...*facepalm* Why did I decide to write this down? I don't even know, but I'm switching to a voice recorder, because Jon and Tim are knocking on my door right now, and Tim wants to talk to me. I'm gonna hide it in my pocket so they don't notice.

*Starts up recording*

Tim: Okay, Emile, Josh told Jon some information, then told me. I'm not saying it's true, but you do need to verify. Do you have a crush on someone?

Emile: N-no...

Josh: Oh, yes he does!

Emile: I do not!!! *says in winey tone*

*Sounds of muffled hitting, screaming, and maybe someone coming from upstairs (where bedrooms are)*

Tim: Calm down guys...Josh! Stop biting Emile's arm! Now...where was I, oh yeah! Josh, if Emile says he doesn't have a crush-

Jon: than he's completely lying!

Josh: *evilly giggles* Yes! Your plan worked!

Emile: Wh-what plan?

Jon: Oh, it's simple really, I made it that way so nothing would go wrong, ever. The plan was to get you out of your room so I could sneak in and grab this!

Emile: Hey! That's my dia-...that's my Journal!

Jon: Oh, is it? I just thought it was just a very interesting book about a boy that had a crush on someone! But sad part is there isn't any second page, oh wait! I found something!

Emile: Oh, you wouldn't-

Jon: I think we both know I'm going to right now. Do you guys want to hear a poem?

Josh: Yes, yes I do!

Emile: NO! Please, Jon! I am begging you!

*sound of wood pounding like people running*

Jon: Hah!

Emile: Hey, no fair! You can't just hold your hands up!

Jon: Well, since I am taller than you, it works! Now let's see...Oh, this is a good one!

From miles I can see your smile and hear your laughter

As I enter the room, I am surrounded by your heart

So, I am sending a special wish for you to God

A wish that this is the greatest day ever

And you will never be less beautiful than you are today

Tim: Emile, you...you wrote that?

Emile: Y-Yeah...It was a little painful not adding any puns...

Josh: So Emile does have a crush on her!

Jon: Remember, the poem never actually said he liked her...

Tim: Can someone tell me who she is?

Emile: W-well, i-it's...

Josh: It's Mesae, that girl he always sits next to on gaming night!

Tim: Ooh, Emile, is this true? My little bro has a crush on a little princess?

Emile: I-it's not like th-that...

Jon: Well, according to a random thoughts page, you wrote "I am a plumber, she is the princess, but I will never be brave enough to get her castle"

Josh: Wait, what does castle mean? That can be taken so many ways...

Emile: Don't think anything like that, Josh! But, if you guys really want to know...The castle means...it means her heart okay?! She has the biggest and kindest heart, or castle, in the world, and I can't have it because it's guarded by the princes and knights that also want her, and I'm just a lowly peasant boy that can't swing a sword, or even hold up a shield! *sits down*

Tim: Emile...Your...

Jon: You write the most beautiful poetry I've ever heard from a fourteen year old boy, and the poetic way you just spoke was almost just as good as what you wrote down, and that was just off the top of your head.

Emile: Th-thanks, but don't think I can just throw poetry out there like a child throws a ball, she just inspires me to write poetry more than a graceful swan, flying across the horizon on a beautiful spring morning.

Josh: Okay, since I've never heard you talk in a poet's wording, this is starting to get a bit weird.

Emile: Sorry. To paraphrase, she's just really pretty, nice and smart and I really like her a lot!

Josh: Finally, something I can understand.

Jon: But in all seriousness, that sentence about the swan was beautiful. You need to write that down.

Emile: Oh, crap!

Everyone: What?

Emile: It's still recording!

Jon: Emile, do you mean to say that everything we've said has been recorded?

Emile: *nervous laugh*

*end of recording*

End of CHEEEAAAPTER!!!! Thank you guys for reading, and that full-leighnth poem was not one that I made up. The poem belongs to a beautiful woman named Teri Otte.

Emile's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now