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Fear, it was all he could sense as the pounding of the footsteps got closer and closer. He was the fittest and strongest person in school. But this wasn’t school, it was real life. And he wasn’t the toughest guy on the block, not here.

At last the clouds moved away from the moon and he started to laugh as the change began and the footsteps started to falter. He plunged into the forest and a few moments later a huge black wolf emerged that had endless black eyes that you could get trapped in by looking at them. It howled a long deep howl which would send a chill down anyone’s spine. The chasers started to back away avoiding it’s eyes and the wolf watched the leader and said in a deep growl “Never ever chase someone like that. You want to know why?”

They just whimpered.

“Because this will happen.” And faster than the eye could see it leaped at one of them tore his throat out, threw another at a tree where he slumped and as the leader ran away it chased him.

It pounced on him and asked in it’s deep, gravelly voice. “Good enough explanation?”

He just whimpered again.

“Thought so.”

And just like that another life was ended.

The wolf walked into the forest and a few moments later a boy walked out.

Lethal      (name may change)Where stories live. Discover now