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A/N: Writer's block hit again, which means it's one-shot time.


When they were eleven,  looking back Ren would admit he had been a little hesitant when Gakushuu asked him for a sleepover at the Asano residence, and it wasn't like he didn't want to, it was just...

Mr Asano reminded him of a serial killer in a certain thriller movie he wasn't supposed to have watched...

It wasn't even like Mr Asano had said anything creepy or bad to him, in fact, the most words they'd exchanged was a brief 'hello' when Ren had visited Gakushuu's house once when they were eight.

It was just...something seemed off about the guy, and Gakushuu always seemed reluctant to talk about him for some reason.

Nevertheless, on Saturday morning he arrived on time at his friend's house. Ren sighed, fixing his backpack on his shoulder as he looked up at the large imposing gate where a camera was looking right at him.

Still, though, Gakushuu wanted to spend time with him, so Ren couldn't really say no since he knew how much little free time his friend had.

He still jumped a little when the gates automatically opened, feeling like he was stepping into a creepy mansion and not a luxury home.

His nerves faded a little when Gakushuu greeted him at the front door and actually smiled when he saw him, something that was rare.

He started to feel like he was worrying over nothing.


By the time dinner came and he actually sat down to have a meal with Mr Asano and Gakushuu, his nerves were nearly all gone.

Mr Asano had been nothing but nice to him! Which was a relief since he'd be his school principal next year.

"...Then when Gakushuu passed me the ball I got it in the goal before the time ran out!" Ren excitedly recounted their latest soccer match to Mr Asano while they ate.

"My how exciting." Gakushuu's dad smiled. "It seems you two make quite a team."

Ren grinned. "Well, yeah!" He looked over at his friend and felt his smile waver when Gakushuu stayed quiet. "Right?"

Gakushuu quickly smiled but it seemed forced. "Yeah!"

Ren frowned a little, wondering what was wrong with him. For some reason, his friend seemed uncomfortable, almost meek, which was not what Gakushuu was like at all. His friend was always bossing people around and taking the leading role in everything.

"Do you have any preference for breakfast tomorrow, Sakakibara?" Mr Asano interrupted his thoughts. "My son wasn't very forthcoming with your dietary requirements or preferences."

Ren glanced up. "Oh, I don't mind." He eagerly ate his ramen, slurping up the noodles in appreciation. "Your housekeeper is a really good cook!"

He chuckled. "Well, thank you, I'll pass on the compliment." Mr Asano smiled at his son. "Have you made sure Ren's been set up comfortably in the guest room, son?"

Ren looked confused and spoke before Gakushuu got the chance. "I don't need a guest room. It's a sleepover, so I've already set up my sleeping back in Gakushuu's room."

"Oh, I see." Mr Asano smiled. "Apologies, I didn't realise the two of you were so close."

Ren masked his confusion since that seemed an odd question. "Um, well, yeah." He smiled at Gakushuu who had stayed quiet. "We're best friends."

"Of course, you are." Mr Asano's smile stayed the same. "In that case, do you need any more books to help you study tonight?"

Ren frowned and was about to say that studying wasn't really a sleepover activity, but Gakushuu interrupted him.

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