an update

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I......have called him multiple times today but it just goes to voicemail every time. Its official his mom is holding him against his will & has cut off his communications. I don't know how long this will last. But my depression is back & really bad. I tried calling a friend of ours but his phone goes to voicemail to. Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do now. My puppy tries to make me feel better. Sometimes I laugh a little, sometimes I smile a bit. But it doesn't last. Sighs deeply. I am worried about him. Because what she has done really put him in a bad place emotionally. I may add more to this chapter later. U can see a picture of my puppy at the top. I may add one of our songs to this chapter. Let me know in the comments if anyone wants to hear one of our songs. But any hate & I will block u. I have to get up early tomorrow. My puppy won't be able to come with me to my surgery on Monday. His mom is simply one of the worst humans alive. She is desperately trying to get control over him back but I broke her control over him 3 years ago. He has been free & he has been happier ever since. She has broken the law keeping him there at their house against his will. He is an adult even with his 'disability' but I call it a label because people look down on him because of it. At his work, one of his coworkers was making sexual advances on him & all he felt was disgust. People would bully him.

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