new country new life

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Draco's  pov)

I sighed as I got off the plane with my phone in hand as I looked around at everything and I mean everything.

"Draco! Even the bathroom is automated!" Cazzuto yelled to me in English and I giggled at my friends take in our new life's.

You see we started off as class mates in our primary school and even started the same secondary school in England.

It's so different here in Japan. Because in England we start secondary school at the age of eleven however here they are in something called middle school.

This means we need to attend this middle school since we are only fourteen. At lest it's only for a year since secondary school or 'high school starts at the age of fifteen for Japanese teenagers.

As I was working about this, i grabbed out my suitcases.

"Are you thinking about school again?" She asked over the phone as I nodded and sighed.

"I'm still trying to get my head around how we are going from our English secondary school to a Japanese middle school just to go back to another secondary school. Plus you know how I feel about schools any way" I complained as she laughed at me.

"I love how you think about that and not worry about the reason we are here in the first place" she said with sass  as my face dropped imidetly and I locked eyes with the exit as i passed through the gates and got out of the air port.

"You seem to forget our reasons are slightly different caz" I said with a wonky smile as she sighed.

"Well I want to go to the best hero school in the world and your running from your super villain of a father... and you want to be a hero" she concluded as I hushed her even thought she was talking over the phone.

"Well you are right about me wanting to be a hero. Let's try to forget about my dad and focus on school. As much as I hate it we have to pass our class's here and an exam at the end of the year to get in to U.A" I said as she agreed and i called a cab to our new apartment complex.

I sighed as it finally arrived to get us and I told the driver where to go in Japanese. We both spoke it but i was more confident in speaking it out loud.

As i sat in the back i began to speak again in English to caz over the phone again.

"You know they said our stuff should have already been delivered to the apartment. It was a good idea to send it early but some boxes get left by the front door" she said as I nodded.

"I was just glad it did it with out my dad or brothers finding out about what we were planning" I said with a frown as she agreed.

"Well we don't have to worry about them. At least not for a while" she responded as I smiled slightly and nodded.

When we got to the destination the driver turned to me as said "that's ¥980" I smiled and opened my wallet and paid him then got out and got my cases out the boot.

Our apartment was on the top floor of the 3rd building. I sighed not really wanting to carry my bag up the stairs.

I grew my dragon tail out and used it to carry my bag as we walked up the stairs.

"if you get caught using that I'm not getting you out of Japanese jail" I heard a voice yell.

"Who's going to jail now?" I asked with a giggle as I looked at the bight yellow haired girl who i was speaking to on the phone.

"Cazzuto!!!!" I yelled running and hugging the taller girl as she laughed and spines me around. "Heyo dragon!" She yelled as I giggled as she laughed "finally you tiny demon arrived!" Cazzuto said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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