Shattered Reflections

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When they arrived at the base, Nick Fury called them the moment they reached the main floor. The holographic figure of Fury materialized before them. Steve held the sleeping Wanda to his chest, her arms limp at her sides, the orange blanket hanging off her back. Fury's gaze softened slightly as he saw them return with Wanda, clearly impressed by their success.

"Good work, Avengers," Fury said, his voice steady but carrying an edge of urgency. "We've set up a containment unit for her." He gestured to a cell situated in the Avengers' main floor, its design sleek but imposing.

Natasha glanced at the cell, then back at Fury. "She doesn't need to be contained. Surely, she can be kept in a bedroom or a more comfortable setting."

Fury's eyes narrowed slightly. "Given her abilities and the current situation, containment is necessary for everyone's safety."

**Wanda's POV:**

I don't remember much after that. When I opened my eyes, I was inside a cell. My head was still pounding, and the walls were a bright, transparent green, almost like one of my force fields. I couldn't move my arms; they felt trapped. A long-sleeved shirt was wrapped around my body and pinned behind my back. I wouldn't trust me either.

Days seemed to blend together. I remember not eating, just staring at the food placed in front of my feet. I sat on the floor, not even using the bed provided, staring into space, feeling worthless and used. Each time I blinked, I was in a different place. First, I was staring at the green shield surrounding me, with the Avengers watching through it. I could hear the TV in the background, indicating I was in their living room. Blink. The green wall was gone. Blink. Someone walked over to me, followed by a group. Blink. I was in someone's arms. It was Steve. I could hear voices but was too disoriented to understand. Blink. I looked up at my brother, Pietro, carrying me as he sped away. Blink. I was back in a laboratory with Ultron.

I worked with Ultron until I discovered his plans. I tried my best to help protect the city.


On the battlefield, I felt the moment my brother died. It was a searing pain that tore through my entire body. I didn't need to see him to know the extent of it. I fell to the ground, my powers exploding in all directions, blasting everything around me. Sobs erupted from my chest as I thought of Pietro. I would never see him alive again. My world shattered; I had lost my only family.

That was it. I wanted to die. Forget Sokovia. My life was over now that my only lifeline was gone. Pietro had been my anchor. During the experiments, he was there to help me. When we were trapped under the bed, waiting for the Stark bomb to detonate, he was there to distract me, to talk to me. Now, I was alone. No one to hold me for comfort, no one to joke around with. I was finished.

I decided I would stay with my brother on the floating chunk of Sokovia. I would die where he had died. Though I had not seen him to confirm his death, I knew. The pain that still shocked my body told me he was gone.


Ultron had done this! If I had never been involved with him, I never would have ended up here, where Pietro was killed. I needed to find Ultron and make him pay. I wanted him to suffer as I was suffering. I set out to track him down, disregarding the evacuation.

I finally found him in a damaged train car, slumped against the edge. I walked over and crouched before him, my powers crackling with intensity. My rage was so overwhelming that I could only manage a few words.

"Wanda, if you stay here, you'll die," Ultron said, his voice cold.

"I just did," I replied, my voice trembling. "Do you know how it felt?" I watched as my powers slowly pulled his heart from his chest. It floated into my grasp, and I held it there.

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