Chapter 1: Aliit Armor

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The armor was heavy. It shouldn't have been, Kaz had worn his beskar armor for many years now, this was no different, right? But it was different. This armor had belonged to his father, and his father before him, and his father before him. This wasn't just any beskar armor, it held a story and significance.

Kaz pulled the helmet over his thick, dirty blonde hair and turned to face the group of Mandalorians that was in front of him. "I, Kaz Wingfeather, take this armor for my clan, my family and will protect them with my life."

"Oya!" The crowd cheered. There weren't many times where Kaz felt anxious, however this had all happened much sooner than he expected it to. His father dying was out of the blue. And at the age of eighteen, he didn't feel ready to take on his clan. But it was what he needed to do. He had to for the better of his family.

The crowd continued to shout and yell things along the lines of "Oya, alor!" and other cheers to Kaz. He just stood tall, looking off into the distance. He was glad that his face was covered with the helmet to mask the nervous look on his face and the tears that slid gently down his cheeks. He was not ready.

Just the other day he was sparring and practicing fighting patterns with his father. He was perfectly fine. In the middle of it all, his father collapsed, he had been rushed to the medic but didn't last much longer. It was all so traumatizing for the family. Kaz's younger brother and sister were crushed alongside his mother. However, he didn't have much time to mourn. He knew what was going to happen when his father died. It was only briefly talked about between the two seeing as they didn't expect it until many years in the future.

Kaz took a long breath before trying to get away from the crowd. He didn't need all of this attention yet. It was too much. All of his family was here though, all wanting to speak with him. Giving him their condolences, telling him how proud they were of him. He nodded politely and continued, repeating with the next person who caught him before he could make it back to the house.

It seemed like it took too long, finally he pushed through the front door of his family's house. His sister, Kao, was lying on the couch and staring into the fireplace. Her attention quickly snapped to him as he entered. Kaz took off the helmet and held it in his arm, opening his mouth to say something but quickly being interrupted.

"You look so much like buir." Kao's voice was unsure. It was an odd sight to see her brother in her father's old armor. She stood up and walked closer to Kaz, placing a hand on the helmet he had by his side. Kaz put his forehead on her's, closing his eyes.

"I know it's a lot, Kao, but I promise it will all work out." He said, masking his nerves with a confident voice.

Kao closed her eyes and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn't usually the emotional type. Kao was fierce and Kaz had never seen her cry as much as she had the past few days. "I don't understand why he had to go so soon."

"Neither do I, vod'ika." He replied with a sigh. Kaz pulled back and placed a hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. "But it will all be alright in the end, I promise."

The younger girl nodded. "Are buir and Jiorr still out there?" She asked with a slight cock of her head. Kao wasn't a huge fan of all the attention or people. She much preferred to stay inside, away from the celebration.

"I believe so. They should be back soon though. I doubt it will last much longer without the star of the party there." Kaz smirked at his little sister, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Ne'johaa," Kao shoved him, "Those people will be seeing a lot more of you in the future, don't act like they won't get tired of your annoying presence."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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