Chapter 1

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    Kayla POV


It recent just snow and Shadow dad made him a brand new sled that has iron on it. I held on to Shadow as we sled down the hill.  Shadow was a ender wolf hybird a  wolf hybird from the end. His purple hair glowed as we sled down. Being only 7 Buddar who 10 was watching Shadow was a motherless child only his older brother took care of him his older brother name was Void he was 20. His dad went off last week and never name back. His.mother died by falling into the shadow of the void a week after Shadow was born.  Enderman don't name their children right away they name them almost a month later. Like how Void dad got lost in the void oh ya they had different dads. I open my eyes the snow falling on my black hair Buddar watched us from the cave. She can't have water on her but Snow was a different story snow she could run in it and roll down in it. The sled did a 360 then fell over.  We just laughed. We gave the sled to Void friend who just as he ran into camp. We ran into the village bully crap I thought. He was the oldest kid age 14 and the only human here. He picked up Shadow and dangle him I started yelling. Something tooked over me and I flung at him I knocked him down Shadow able to escape. I put my claw at the bully throat.  I snuck my claws into his shoulders. I saw Void, Shadow and  Buddar running to me I got off the Bully we watched as he ran into the forest then seeing him get strangle by a squid. SQUID everybody ran into me and Buddar cave. We put the iron blocks in front of the cave. We heard squids walk around the entrance the snow most have made it moist enough to make it here. We all stayed quitely as we could Void started escorting everyone to Tube back entranced which was a tunnle that lead to the plains with is about 100 blocks away. We let the mothers and the toddlers go first then me and Shadow age group go next which includes Buddar, then the next age group then the men we heard  the squid starting to burst in we were half ay through the cave We heard  some men getting strangle Void made us go faster we finally made it through the tunnel Buddar grabbed me and Shadow hand and started running we saw some squids follow us through the cave Shadow try to teleport back to us his brother but he couldn't we ran faster and faster  not lookingback Buddar pushed us up a tree we waited till night fall and went back to are little village with the others only  half of the village remaining.

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