It all changed...

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It all changed that night at the bar.  It started like every Saturday night I go to the lady lounge. This night, I sat at the end of the bar, watching the same people rolling through. The one night stand type, the couple's looking for a third, the ladies night females, the singles thinking they will meet someone special.  Towards the end of the night, I noticed a new face at the other end of the bar. Sipping and turning a glass of white wine. I watched as women try to approach her. She simply turn them away without a care. I sat drinking my beer playing cards on a digital computer screen.  After a round of cards, I looked up go find the lady was gone. I went back to my game then, the lady sits down on the bar chair next to mine. She started playing games on the computer screen next to mine. I think she was looking for a way to be left alone. It wasn't until my beer was gone. I sat my bottle down calling for the bartender, she turned and looked my way.  I glanced back giving a little smile. She reached forward, sitting her glass on the bar next to mine. When the bartender came over to switch out my beer, she ordered another drink as well.  We sat there in silence playing games on the computers. She then ran out of turns. Sitting back in her chair she seemed troubled. I thought about it for a moment, rather or not I should inquire about her troubles.
I decided on an alternative instead "If you hit the two player button and I hit mine, we can play against each other."
She thought it over for a second "Okay."
We sat for about ten minutes playing games. She chuckled at me when I picked checkers.  The silence was broken.
I asked "You don't like checkers?"
She replied "I haven't played in years, like years years."
I smiled "Well sometimes the classics are the best."
Looking in to my eyes, she smiled "I agree."
We shared a split second before the game started. Through the game there was some soft trash talking going on. The normal you're going down, I'm the shiz at this, king me, ooh took your king, where are your skills at now? We were enjoying each other's company. Last call was made, we finished the game.
She smiled "I enjoyed that, thank you."
I replied "Well, I'm here every Saturday night if you ever want to play again."
She smiled "I'll keep that in mind."
She paid then left. I honestly didn't think, I would cross her path again after that night. The third Saturday after. I am yet again having a beer playing cards. I get a request to join a game of checkers from computer 4. I look up from my screen to the other end of the bar. To see who was on computer 4. There she was, she smiled raising her drink. I smiled back, nodding I accepted. We began playing. Every take out move we would look at each other. Making faces, shaking our heads, we finished our 2nd game. The computer next to me became available.
She came around sitting next to me "It's more fun when I'm sitting next to you."
We chuckled, I responded "So you can talk smack and not just shoot me a look?"
She smiled "Something like that."
We continued our night same as the last time. Playing checkers, light trash talking, had a few drinks, then last call and she was gone again. At first I thought I might see her again. The next weekend I kept an eye out but, she never showed. The following Saturday, same thing. At that point, I figured I wouldn't see her again. A month had passed. I was sitting at the end of the bar drinking my beer. The computer games were down. They were doing a update on the system. I watched the game on TV. I didn't really care who was playing. A lady took the seat next to mine. Hearing her order a glass of white wine. I looked over, there she was. She was looking troubled again.
I said simply "I would offer you a game of checkers but, the computers are down."
She smiled at me then turned to her drink. Sipping and turning her glass, we sat there in silence for a while. The place started to die down. She finished her drink, picked up her bag and headed for the door. This time, I grabbed my jacket and went after her.
I caught up with her out on the sidewalk "Hey!"
She was shocked to see me "Hey..."
I had no idea what to say. So I asked "Do you like Danish?"
She looked at me confused for a minute "It's not one of my favorite but, it's ok."
I replied not having any idea how she would respond, "I know a good pastry shop not far from here, if you'd like to join me?"
She smiled curiously "Are you really going or are you inviting me to go so then you'll go?"
I paused for a moment "The second one."
She chuckled "Only if they have Apple strudel."
I smiled excited "Most definitely that's my favorite."
We walked to the pastry shop a few blocks away. We placed our order then sat down in a booth. I noticed on a bookshelf there sat the board game checkers.  I excused myself for a second. I came back with the game in hand.
She laughed "Did you set this up?!"
I nervously laughed "No, I had no idea they had the game."
She smiled "Well open it up, we might as well."
We sat there enjoying each other's company, eating and playing checkers.
After the second game she said "I need to be going, it's getting late."
I hesitated, "Can I ask, what's your name?"
She responded, "It's Emily."
I responded "Nice to meet you Emily, I'm Danni."
She responded with a smile "It's nice to meet you Danni"
I then watched her get into a cab and drive away. A few weeks went by, I hadn't seen Emily. I was leaving on a vacation trip and would be gone for a while. I left a note with the bartender, if she seen her to give her the note. Emily came and while I was gone. The bartender gave her the note, it read
   "Emily, I was hoping to see you before I left. I went on vacation for a few weeks. On a scuba diving trip I couldn't pass up. If all goes well I'll be back on the 15th. I left my contact information if you wish to reach out, if not I hope to see you when I return."
A week into my vacation I received a game app invite. Emily invited you to join her in a game of checkers. I smiled and accepted the game invite. There was a text Box in the game so we could talk while we played. Every night I returned back to my Room from the boat. I would open the app, and there she was ready to play. A couple of days before my vacation ended. I was out on my last dive, and was bit by a shark while photographing fish. I ended up in the hospital. I asked one of my friends if they could retrieve my phone from my hotel room. After a day of rest. I woke up the following day, I open the app to find a game had been started and a couple of pings were sent. I played a move, pinged her back.
I then sent her a message "To start off, I'm ok. I was bit by a shark, thankfully it wasn't bad. I'm currently still in the hospital."
Hours passed. She made a move, pinged me back.
Her message read "I was worried, I feared something happened. I'm glad you're ok."
I played then replied "Yes I'm ok honestly, I should be able to come home in a couple of days."
She replied "Good, Saturday nights aren't the same with out my checkers partner."
After a couple of days I was released from the hospital. Eager to get home, I booked a flight that night. By the end of the next day I was home. Saturday was just 2 days away. I opened up the game app, to let Emily know I was back and would be at the lady lounge Saturday. I got a thumbs up reply. Saturday came she never showed. After that the game app didn't connect to her. The game and messages stopped. I was lost in my feelings. I wasn't really sure how I should feel or what I should do. Months went by, I never saw her again. I stopped going to the lady lounge. I got a job offer and moved out of state. Two years followed after the move. I bought a house and decided to rent out one of the rooms. I interviewed people for weeks, and didn't find anyone I could stand to live with. I decided to interview one more person before stopping the ad. The door bell rang. I open the door and there she was, standing right in front of me. We both looked at each other shocked and surprised. I offered her to come in, we stood awkwardly for a moment. Then we tried to talk at the same time.
I was curious what she had to say, "You go first."
She took a deep breath " I honestly never thought you and I would cross paths again... My real name is Denise, I'm a detective. At the time I met you I was working a case under cover. I couldn't reach out to you after. Once the case was closed and the trial was over, I went back to the bar. The bartender said you had moved but, they didn't know where. I was honestly sad, I didn't get to explain any of this to you. Later, I took a job and transferred here. I've only been here a few weeks. When I saw the Room for rent ad, I figured why not. Turns out it's you. I think if you didn't believe in fate you should now."
I stood there not knowing what to say. I let everything process.
All I could think to say was "Would you like me to show you, your room?" I gave a smile.
She smiled back "I would like that."
We spend our free time getting to know each other. Over time we began dating, then officially a couple. Three years went by and we got married. Our wedding gift to each other, was the board game checkers. After all, that's how it all began.

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