Chapter One and Only

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“Drifting…always drifting… always OUT OF FOOD!” exclaimed Damien as he threw his tomahawk into the wall and is lying on the floor starving without any type of provisions and or entertainment to keep him from getting into trouble like he always does. Suddenly a ringing echoed throughout the corridors of his space craft. Damien jumped up with great haste with a mix of excitement and confusion since he did not have any type of operational communication device that he would be hearing ring echoing from somewhere in the space ship. Damien quickly rushed to the cockpit in search of this sound that should not be going off. Finding that the sound is not going off in the cockpit he quickly rushed into the observatory but quickly realized that he could barely hear the ringing in the observatory and soon headed to the master bedroom where the sound was immensely louder than it was before. “Where is this infernal noise coming from!?” Damien shouts while searching for the object in question. Damien sifts through the trash and dirty clothes sprawled out on the floor of the bed room then in the drawers and his big mahogany dresser. Almost about to give up Damien kicks a box filled with treasures from past adventures though time and space across the room hitting a wall panel that falls down and uncovers a duffle bag of supplies and a phone that was ringing erratically.


Damien fumbled around while trying to answer the phone. “Hello?”Damien said into the phone in a questioning manner. “Hello Damien long time no meet.”The mysterious woman on the other end of the phone said. “Don’t you mean long time no see?” asked Damien. “In this case no you and I have never met… not yet anyway.” The mysterious woman said. “We’ve never met but you know the number to my telephone that I personally knew nothing about until now and you know my name… what do you want me to do since I can’t resist the sudden mysterious call to adventure in my not so adventurous life.” Damien replied lying through his teeth. “I need you to go find a small child named Gracie winters in city X on Earth in the year 20437” The mysterious told Damien. Damien hung up the phone and headed down the corridor to the cockpit and quickly started flipping levers and knobs on the dashboard. There was a strange vorping sound and the display on the screen showed a very odd screen as if hundreds of thousands car lights were passing by in super fast forward mode then Damien was on the east Indian sea where he picked up his friend who happened to be a pirate and went forward in time to the year 20437. The display and the sounds soon came to a stop from the second trip through time today. Damien took a seat in the captain’s chair and charted the destination of City X on the planet Earth.


A few hours the raft came to a halt in the orbit of what seemed to be a strange looking earth than what Damien knew to be. Damien became startled when he heard a loud screaching alarm that notified that a high gravitational pull on the “small” frigate (Small is an Incorrect statement the ship was specially designed to have the hull of a small frigate but have the capacity to hold more than ever possible for that small ship some would say it could be infinite). Damien strapped in and pressed a button that triggered a capsule to form around the chairs holding him and Ben the pirate. As soon as the chairs were fully covered the capsules emitted some sort of freezing agent that kept the user in a deep sleep until the collision with a planet was over. The craft soon cashed onto the planet’s surface in what looked like an old fashioned library or city hall.


When Damien came to he was being starred at by a very small child most likely not any older than ten or eleven. The child became very frightened and ran out of what was the cockpit of the ship and proceeded to run towards the entrance of a library. Damien regained his bearings woke Ben and proceeded to exit the totaled ship when they heard a loud scream that likely came from a small child or animal. The two time travelers hurriedly grabbed what they could in arms reach that seemed necessary and ran towards where Damien last saw the young girl. The two men took in the sight that was in front of them, The child was fending off many distorted creatures with a broom but the creatures were quickly closing in on the young girl. Before Damien knew it his body was quickly moving on its own to the helpless girl. Damien grabbed a piece of the destroyed ship’s hull and used it as a makeshift blade to attack creatures. Ben drew his swords from their sheaths and cut clean through two or three of the morbid creatures but got scratched and bitten by two others that were surrounding the poor child practically defenseless child. Damien grabbed the child after fatally wounding one of the creatures in his path and proceeded to run towards another building that looked like a grocery store or market. Ben soon followed and barricaded the door shut with some heavy crates and a shelving unit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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