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"You look so cute like this," Scaramouche coos, grasping Aether's face in one hand. "On your knees and helpless to my will."

A shadow shrouds his eyes, adding to the maniacal aura surrounding the Fatui Harbinger. Fear rushes through Aether and he grips Scaramouche's wrist, trying to pull away while the latter laughs at his struggle.

"I have to admit," Scaramouche says, crouching down in front of him and setting his hat aside, "you are a commendable opponent. One mistake on my part could have spelled my doom."

A contemplative look crosses over the Harbinger's face, expression softening as he readjusts his grip and grasps Aether's chin gently, stroking his bottom lip. "It'd be a shame if someone like you were to die," he muses and Aether feels hope well up in his chest. It shrivels up when he sees Scaramouche give him a sharp grin, tilting his head up forcefully.

"So let's keep this between us, hmm?" Scaramouche says, eyes closed in glee. "I let you live and in exchange..." Aether shivers as he leans in and brushes his lips against his ear, "you owe me a favor."

"A favor?" Aether echoes. He lays a hand on the other's chest in an effort to push him away, but Scaramouche doesn't budge.

"That's right," he says. "One favor then you'll be free from me for the time being. But if we happen to meet again in these circumstances..." he lets out a sardonic chuckle. "Let's hope you would have gotten stronger by then."

Scaramouche releases him, standing up and adjusting his hat as Aether looks up at him in confusion. "So you're going to let me live? Just like that?"

"Not without repercussions," he replies, eyeing him like a cat would to a canary. "Meet me in Liyue harbor the night after tomorrow. We'll get started with my first favor there."

Aether sits there on the ground, staring at Scaramouche's back until he's out of sight. His heart is beating fast, but he wasn't sure if it was from nearly getting killed or because of...he shakes his head. Now wasn't the time.

"He's seriously creepy," Paimon says once the Harbinger is out of sight. She looks at him in concern. "But enough about him. Aether!" she cries, clinging onto his arm. "You almost died!"

"I'm fine," he replies, patting her head gently. "Besides, you heard him. It doesn't seem like he wants to kill me any time soon." At least I hope so.

"Paimon was so scared," she continues, tearing up. "Never do that to Paimon again. You have to stay alive! You're Paimon's best friend!"

Aether smiles and rubs her back reassuringly. "I know, I know. Sorry for being so reckless."

"So what are we gonna do?" she says, frowning up at him. "We can't just run away from him."

Aether sighs, standing up and wincing as his wounds start making itself known. Paimon hovers around him, still worried. "So we face him head on," he says. "We'll do his favor then stay as far away from him as possible."

"But shouldn't we ask for help?"

He shakes his head. "I'd rather not get anyone else roped in. This is something I should fix by myself."

Paimon sighs and follows Aether back to Wangshu Inn. She wasn't looking forward to seeing the Harbinger again.


They arrive at Liyue harbor at sunset. Paimon had been restless the entire trip there, hiding it behind overly cheery smiles and discussions about food. Aether appreciated her attempts to distract him, but a part of him felt ashamed since he was actually a bit excited to see Scaramouche again. Call him a masochist, but there was something about the Harbinger that drew him in, curious to know more.

Aether spots him standing in the middle of the harbor, his unique clothes sticking out among the merchants of Liyue. Paimon gives him an encouraging thumbs up before disappearing. Right, he can do this.

Scaramouche turns around right as Aether stops in front of him. "So," he says, "what do you want me to do?"

Scaramouche inspects him for a moment before cackling. "You look like you're about to go to war," he says, crossing his arms and bringing one hand up to hide his growing smirk. "Lighten up, Aether. I'm not going to make you do anything immoral."

Aether relaxes slightly at that. "Then, what is it?"

Scaramouche beckons him to follow and he does, even more curious now that he knows he won't be doing anything evil. He stops in front of a restaurant and Aether stares.

"Right," he says, turning to Aether with an innocent smile, "let's eat dinner, shall we?"

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