Letter #3

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Dear Tubbo,

  I got a job at some business firm yesterday. The boss is probably gonna be a dick. He acted like he had a stick up his ass during the interview. The job pays nice though. I also got a new apartment today. Ours got sold since no one was paying the bills. It's fine. I probably wouldn't wanna stay in that one alone anyway.

  I heard your birthday went well. Phil sent me a photo of you blowing out your candles. Tommy looked like he was trying his best to blow out your candles with you. You two remind me of me and Wilbur. I hope you don't end up too much like us. We got in a lot of trouble with Phil.

  We met when we were 16 or so, in some class, we had together. I followed his lead in a lot of things. We quit school together. We both knew that shit was useless. Wilbur was smart enough to do without and I couldn't pay attention anyway. Probably should have stayed in. Wilbur started liking the idea of becoming a 'dirty crime boy' and making drugs. I followed, knowing we would make good money from it. Oh and kid, we did. But during this was when I started getting hooked on alcohol. Then alcohol wouldn't do it for me so I started doing some of our stock. I got greedy and started taking too much. Wilbur noticed and tried to figure out where it was all going. He thought it was one of the boys that were helping out. But after he cut him off I was still going at it and we started losing money fast. Wilbur caught me one day and we had a bad fall out over it.

  Wilbur had no choice but to tell Phil because we were in some debit with a few other groups in the market. To say Phil was pissed is an understatement. But when he found out I was by myself he tried his best to help me out. He somehow got the money to send me off to some rehab place for teens. I was there for a month before I turned 18 and I left. I didn't learn shit from the experience. Even though I didn't need the hardcore stuff anymore I still went back to alcohol. It was comforting I guess. About a year after I got you.

  Moral of the story stay in school kid,


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