Prologue: The beginning

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*A/N: This is a summary of Izuku's life as this is meant to be a reaction to his music series, and not a full story in itself so I rushed this so we can just get to them finding out that he is THE idol Tech.*

Izuku was a shy child, he couldn't really talk to people. He normally would turn around and run away without giving any explanation as to why. Some people including one Katsuki Bakugo thought this meant that Izuku thought he was better then them.

Izuku didn't use his quirk in public, although he did train in confined places. His quirk would usually leave him with scorch marks from the lightning he created. He constantly pushed himself to do more, saying that he was going to be the best hero, a hero greater than All Might himself. This in turn meant that he would push his body beyond it's limits. Izuku knew that he couldn't become over reliant on his quirk like everyone who bullied him at school. The people at his school believe that he is quirkless because he refuses to use his quirk, and so they bully him for thinking he was quirkless. This did absolutely nothing to help his already timid nature. 

It has been 6 long years of Izuku training his Mind, Body, and Quirk. Izuku had no doubt that he would get into U.A. no matter what the kids in his class said he knew he had a quirk and that it was a strong one at that. He decided to go to a music store after a day of bullying that was even harsher than usual, he needed some music to help and calm him down and just make him feel better. Music had the same effect on him as hero's did and he wanted to make others feel that same feeling.

While the music was playing in the background he decided to sing along as he was looking for some new albums. What he failed to realize was that a producer was listening to him and wanted him to become a singer and that he could be his manager. After a several months of looking through the contract and found nothing bad in it Inko said that she would be fine with it, and just like that Izuku's Idol carrier started at the age of ten. However Izuku made one request, this being that he would not reveal his face until he was ready His manager agreed to this and got him a mask to hide his face that looked futuristic and glowed green in places.

 However Izuku made one request, this being that he would not reveal his face until he was ready His manager agreed to this and got him a mask to hide his face that looked futuristic and glowed green in places

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He went on to create amazing music even writing his own songs (All of which will be found in later chapters). Many girls absolutely loved his music, including one Kyoka Jiro. Kyoka went to what would be his last concert for five years or so he said (Izuku was now 13). He said "This will be my last concert for five years, since I will be going to a hero school where I will start my journey to become the next #1 hero. And of Course I still plan on making music as I have seen my music helps people as much as any hero." With that being said Kyoka realized that she can be both a musician and a hero and she didn't have to think of music as something to be embarrassed or ashamed of. 

Now Izuku was 14, 10 months before the U.A. entrance exams. He stood looking at a sludge villain that he had just been saved from by All Might. This Villain now had Bakugo, as soon as Izuku saw this he threw his bag at the Villain blinding it for a moment. This was enough for Izuku to pull Bakugo out of the Sludge and towards the heroes. However in turn he was captured by the villain. It was at this time All Might was so inspired by Izuku's actions even though he had seemed so shy earlier that he forced himself into hero form once more and smashed the sludge villain away while pulling Izuku out so that he wouldn't accidentally get injured. From there the conversation about All Might's scar and One For All. Izuku would except one for all and spend the next 6 months working on cleaning the beach at the end of the Six months the entire beach was spotless. All Might was Surprised and then gave Izuku One For All and trained him for the next four month. (Izuku has full cowling, and he also knows how to control the percentage of his quirk. He can use about 35% without any Injury but he can got up to 50% for short periods of time though it does cause him to bruise and bleed. All Might also helps him with his self confidence issues so he can actually talk to people now although he does have a stutter when he does.) Izuku then changes the description of his quirk to say that he can create Yellow and blue lighting that works like normal lightning, and also a green lighting that enhances his physical abilities. 

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