Boring Life

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Himiko's POV:

It's been a rough couple of days... I've been performing magic tricks all over the city but recently it's been hard to keep business. I'm currently a senior in high school, and I'm graduating in 3 months. I have no idea where my future's heading but quite frankly, I'm not too worried. I mean, I AM the ultimate mage!! I can use my magic to do whatever I want!! I just need to stay positive, or at least, try.

I live in a small apartment about 2 blocks away from my school. It's just big enough for me, my cat, and all my magic supplies.

I let out a soft sigh. Just like the day before, I was woken up by the annoying screams of my alarm clock. I mean, I've tried to use a spell to wake me up in a better way, but it didn't work.

I got changed out of my fuzzy onesie and put on a nice outfit for the day. I put on a nice and fluffy red skirt with fine black lace detailing, as well as a brick coloured vest over my white shirt and a nice light green tie. I've always loved big puffy skirts, I liked the way they flowed when you move.

I grabbed a bowl of honey nut cheerios and ate it as fast as possible, as well as drinking a "good luck" potion I had made the day before. Not that I needed a lot of luck, just that it's always good to have.

I was headed over to school for the day, I always made sure to be early and I was NEVER late.

On the way out I pet my cat,  slip on my coat, put my boots on, grab my bag, and put on my hat. My hat is pretty special to me, I always have it on and I cant do my magic without it. I lock my old wooden door and start to head to school. I almost always walk because i cant really afford a car and the bus is just way too crowded. The floor here is creaky and you have to avoid certain areas to not risk breaking the boards. I mean, nobody has fallen through but my magic tells me I might. And besides, it would be terrible if someone fell through the boards.

I make my way out of the old building and go off to school. I go to take my usual route, but I come across a blocked area, with a big sign that reads "road closed" instead. I guess I'll just have to go the other way.

I look around to see if there's any buildings or anything I recognise as I start heading the longer way. My usual route is not that far of a walk, but this route is longer. I mean, I do have 2 hours until school begins, so I don't need to rush too much. I start skipping along the sidewalk. Building after building pass buy, and none of them even look remotely interesting. Everything in this town lacks magic and adventure. It's all just a dull, boring town where nothing ever changes.

I keep skipping along, scanning all the stores, hoping that I'll see SOMETHING interesting


 I let out a scream as I suddenly go spiralling towards the hard concrete. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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