Can I trust someone again?

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There was I, just a little one month old puppy whom people rescued from the street. I sure was scared, everything was new to me in this home, but there was this boy in particular that I trusted so much and I felt save. But still it was a bit hard for me to get comfortable at this house because there were two little babies whom loved to bite my ears, sit on top of me like if i was some horse,
I have to confess sometimes it was funny.. but sometimes I felt so annoyed.

Since I was really young I still had stuff to learn, a lot to learn. I had to learn where to go potty, and the basic commands such as sit, lay down, roll, right paw, and left paw. The great part about this learning phase is that they'll give me a treat if I answered to their command.

"Loki!" they called me.. "Loki!" they called once again. At this point I was just starting to realize that was my name. When I get to them, they looked exited that I recognized that was my name.

A month already passed, so now I'm two month old, but I'm not treated like how I used to be treated. My owners seemed to be tired of me in some way.. but I didn't knew why.. I was scared, I didn't wanted to go to the streets again but, I knew i was. I suddenly felt alone, now no one comes to pet me and the only time they paid attention is when guests come home. And thats when they showed them all the tricks I know and they petted me and paid attention to me but as soon as they leave.. I'm alone again.

A couple of weeks later they moved, and I was afraid they weren't taking me with them.. I wasn't afraid, I was TERRIFIED!

As my anxiety took over me, I realized they did take me with them but just to leave me in the middle of total nowhere. How could they do that to me.. I didn't knew how to feel.. because I actually loved them.. I felt a connection with them.. How could they be so empty hearted to leave me here alone in who knows where, it was summer so the sun was slicing my skin with it's rays, they where like little knifes passing through my furr cutting my skin. How could my best friend do that to me? and what did I do to get this?

Everything terrified me, every sound, every movement, every single thing i see! I don't believe i could trust anyone again. The feeling of been left alone like that is just so unbelievable and I still couldn't get why they did that..

There were even some days I didn't eat, other days I had to eat stuff I could find on trashes.. and there where just a few good souls that gave me food.

A month had already passed.. I was just 3 months now, and I was about to lose my battle. I was so weak some days i couldn't even walk, and when other animals tried to fight me, I didn't had the strength to fight back. Everything was just horrible.. "So young and ready to go? Really?" I thought to myself.. I may not live as long as a human but.. I love my life.. I guess I do..

Just a few days later when I was about to give up and starve to death... Someone came near me and they carried me.. I was scared but in some way relived. They took me to a doctor, where they gave me shots, they gave me a bath, they even gave me food! Real food! I finally felt save but still I want's sure what to expect in the future..

I stayed a few days in that "vet" getting clean and healthy and then they took me with them, to their house. Some how they knew my name was Loki.. I think it was because of that shiny thing on my collar, but I wasn't sure.

A week had already passed and I felt loved again! I felt happy, safe... but.. do I trust them? That was something i thought about everyday! Maybe one day they'll get tired and leave me again. There was this girl that for some reason made everything she could do to make me feel safe. Sooner or later I knew she would never let someone hurt me, I trusted her.

When they took me on walks I was scared of every dog I saw because I wasn't sure if they wanted to fight with me or just i don't know.. but I hate walking past some crazy barking dog!

A year already passed and I was still with them. On my first birthday they gave me lots and lost of treats, the best treats I ever ate in my life! Who knew i was going to be loved again?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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