The Week at His House

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Part One [?]

*Rustle...rustle rustle*



Entoan said softly, putting his hand on his forehead. "Why did we play those horror games last? I didn't think I would get a nightmare from them." He glides his hand through his dark hair and sighs.

Those games weren't that scary.. He thought, starring at the ceiling. They were just random jump scares, but...that nightmare was crazy...

~Flashback~ nightmare (sorry might get confusing here)
*Abandoned hospital scene*
"H-hey Entoan..look at this." "What'd you find?..holy crap!!" *Blood drips* "I know right...that's just...messed up.." "There's...alot of blood...What happened here..are those..body parts on the ceiling?!" "I don't know..but I think we sh-.." *CRASH* *groan*
... *Panting and fast footsteps*
"Up here Dlive! It's the way out!" "I'm coming!!!" *groan, heavy footsteps* "Oh no...hurry Entoan!" *both climbing up a wall* "I-I'm trying.." "BEHIND YOU!!" *groan*"Shit!! AAAAH NO!!" "ENTOAN!!!" *bang bang bang bang* "What the fuck! Why won't he die!?!" *bang bang bang "LET GO OF MY LEG YOU UGLY SHIT!!" *RRROOOOAR* *monster swings Entoan around and is slammed into the wall* "ACK..*cough..cough*..shit my leg" "Entoan! Hey ugly! Over here!" *bang bang* "D-Dlive..get out if here!" "Not without you!" *bang-click-click* "Oh shit..*click-click* OH SHIT!! I'M OUT OF BULLETS!?!!" "What?!..Where's my gun? WHERE'S MY GUN?!" "L--LET ME GO!" *ROARS opening mouth near Dlives head* "aah-aAaAAAAAAAA-" *CRUNCH* "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
~Flashback ends~

Entoan shakes his head, trying to get rid of that horrid nightmare. "Ugh fuck", he groaned. He sits up on the couch, looking around the living room. What time is it? He turns around, laying on his stomach as he grabs his phone from the small entable. As he turns his phone on, the light blinds him for a few seconds, squints his eyes and blinks to adjust his sight.



Entoan drops his head into the pillow. I was only asleep for an hour? Greeeat. Setting his phone back on the entable, he stands up and stretches, yawning in the process. Adjusting his grey tanktop and black shorts, he slowly stumbles his way to the small bathroom connected to the living room.

Entoan stops, "Dammit, I forgot", he said quietly, rustling his hand through his hair, "Dlive said he's updating the whole bathroom in here...and the only other one is..." He turns around, looking down the small hallway on the other side of the room.

Three doors are in the hallway; the 1st door on the right is the spare room, next is to Dlive's room, and across from his the other full bathroom. Entoan sighs. I hope I don't wake him up, these hallway floorboards are really creaky. He starts to walk down the hallway, watching his step so he wouldn't make a lot of noise. He knew where the spots that made the loudest crack or creak, and spots that were safe. But even with the gentle light emanating from the small night light, it's a lot harder to remember where each spot was at night. And then when he reached Dlives door..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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