Moving day

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Heyyyy guys! This is my first story and I know I'm not the best writer but I'm going to try my best to make this story AMAZINGGGG!
Okay? Okay.


-+==+-Straub's POV-+==+-
Today is the day I get to move in with Bee. Different emotions and thoughts flood my brain as I finish up some last minute packing, excitement, nervousness. What if she doesn't like me? What if I don't like her? But that could never happen cause she is the sweetest, cutest, nices- woah where was I going with that? We're just friends... Right?

~*%|€\€~MAGICAL TIME SKIP£~^}!

I open the door to the apartment. Looks like she hasn't arrived yet so I have time to unpack my stuff. I get into my room and set down my suitcase. Maybe I should unpack my gaming set up first. As soon as I take out my laptop to put on the table I hear the door open. OMG its Bee!

-+==+-Bee's POV-+==+-

As I open the door I hear some rustling around, then Mitchell appear in the doorway. I drop my bags.
"MITCHELLLLL!!!" I squeal as I jump into his arms.
"BEEEE!!" He exclaims as he hugs me back.
We make some small talk about how long it took us to get up here and how excited we are to live together. Then go off into our separate rooms to unpack.
Once I'm almost done unpacking I walk into the living room and place my penny board by our shoes. WAIT!
"Mitchell!!" I shout.
"Yea," he says as he walks into the kitchen in cute little strawberry beanie.
"Do you penny board?!?!" I ask with obvious excitement in my voice.
"YES! I love penny boarding!" He exclaims.
"ME TOOO!" I squeal.
"We should totally go tonight!" He offered
"I would love to!! Right after I'm done recording my cube for today, I actually got most of my set up done!" I said.
"Sounds like a plan," he said as we walked into our rooms.

-+==+-Straub's POV-+==+-

Did I just ask Bee out?

Sorryyyyyy for the SUPER short chapter I promise the next one will be longer!!

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