Chapter - 5(Part 2)

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Crystal's POV

I saw Melanie tending to some flower pots on her porch. Hearing my footsteps she looked up at me with a smile which soon turned into a look of concern upon seeing my expression.

She ushered me inside, and made me sit on the couch. I was numb from all the sadness. Melanie sat beside me with a saddened look and asked:

"What happened?"

I broke into a fit of cries hearing the question, unable to control my emotions. Melanie hugged me and patted my back, whispering that everything will be alright, which I couldn't believe easily.

After I got a bit control over my emotions,I decided to approach the matter at hand; because it was now or never.

"I need to tell you something." I started.

"Take your time dearie." Melanie soothed me.

"It's alright, I need to speak before I break down again." I said.

I narrated everything that happened between me and Xavier from word to word, and Melanie was patient enough to listen attentively.

"So is there any other way?" I asked, ending my speech.

Melanie looked sadly at me. I anticipated her answer before she could say it, I could see it in her eyes. But I still hoped she would say something else.

"Sorry Crystal but that's the only option left." Melanie said, confirming my fears.

I slowly nodded at her, registering everything. I can't tell anyone if I leave the pack because they would ask for answers which I can't give them.

"Melanie you have to help me leave the pack." I said in a determined tone.

"What?" Melanie asked in shock.

"Yes. I can't let anyone know that I am leaving the pack. I won't be able to answer them." I said as I explained my point.

"Not even your parents?" Melanie asked.

I shook my head in denial. " I can't tell them the truth. They would hate Xavier if they came to know about this. And I don't want that. Pack members hating their Alpha is not good. And imagine my sister and friends knowing about it. The core system of the pack would break. For the pack to work efficiently and be strong it needs to love and respect their Alpha, no matter what."

She gave me a small smile and said " You speak like a true Luna. You would have made an amazing one."

"I wish Xavier thought the same." I gave a sad smile.

"So, when can I leave." I asked, coming back to the topic.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell your parents." Melanie asked uncertainly. I looked at her with the same uncertainty, I don't want my parents to get hurt or hate Xavier for rejecting me. No matter what He was their Alpha.

"Think about it carefully before deciding upon anything." Melanie said.

I looked at my hands thinking hard. I couldn't come up with anything else that would be a best fit. I looked up at Melanie with determination.

"I wish to not tell anyone and leave, it's for the best." I stated.

Melanie sighed a little before saying "Fine, if you have decided. I can arrange for you to stay with Gabrielle - my husband's sister. She is a warlock too but is leading a very normal life in the city. She owns a bakery shop, she would be delighted to have you over."

"I don't want to bother anyone." I said.

"Shush, you're not bothering anyone. She would be more than delighted. I had earlier talked with her - inquiring about your situation to see if she knew something more. It was her idea to let you stay with her if the need occurred." Melanie explained.

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