The Announcement

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Peter was tired. Well tired was an understatement. He had been working with Tony on his suit till 1 a.m. in the night when he remembered that he had to go on a patrol around the city and when he reached his bedroom after finishing the patrol it was 2:30 am and was totally ready to go to bed when F.R.I.D.A.Y reminded him that he has yet to finish his English homework due next day when finally he finishes it, it was already 3:30 am. Then he was shaken awake at 5:30 am by Steve, who had no idea that he had only fallen asleep at 3:30 am, for going to the run around the Central Park with him, Sam and Bucky. After being shaken awaken he had managed to convince him to go on the run with Sam and Bucky only. He trudged down to the common area where he saw Vision reading Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire. When he asked Vision why he was reading Harry Potter at 5:30 in the morning his only answer was what else could he do now. Just as Peter's thoughts had started to wonder he felt someone shaking him and calling his name. Shaking away his thoughts, he looked to his right and saw it was Ned who was shaking him.

"What is it man ?"

Ned just pointed towards Mr Harrington and said "Mr Harrington has been calling you for the last 1 minute."

"Well Mr Parker if you are quite finished daydreaming then can I continue with my announcement? " demanded Mr Harrington glaring.

At this Peter flushed in embarrassment and replied "Of course Sir ". He could hear Flash and his Followers snickering a few seats away from him and MJ also flashed him an unimpressed face.

"So everyone this Friday our class is going for a field trip to guess where ?! THE AVENGERS TOWER!!"

The class, except Peter who groans and drops his head on his table, immediately cheers.

"Well well Penis Parker looks like we are going to uncover your fake internship. " mocked Flash

"Ugh Flash can you just shut up I am way too tired to deal with you now " groaned Peter

"Listen here Penis don't you dare talk back to me like that unless you want to end up with a broken nose. " growled Flash

"Mr Thompson! Mr Parker! Please be quiet for a minute I have not finished talking yet !" yelled Mr Harrington.

"Yes sir" replied both Flash and Peter

"I have the permission slips here on my desk before leaving please collect them and submit it to me, after getting it signed by your guardians, by this Wednesday." continued Mr Harrington.

"Duuudddeee! We are going to THE AVENGERS TOWER ?! isn't that just awesome ?!" exclaimed Ned

"Ned I practically live there...I go there every day it will be nothing new for me except that the rest of the class will be there." deadpanned Peter

"If you idiots are trying to have a secret conversation then let me inform you that you both are failing spectacularly." piped up MJ from the seat in front of them.

Peter and Ned didn't even flinch at hearing MJ's voice so suddenly being far too used to her antics.

"Everyone please collect the forms now from my desk and leave the bell will ring anytime now." called out Mr Harrington and as if on cue the bell rang.

The class resumed its excited chatter as they exited the classroom after collecting their forms. Everyone except Peter was excited about going on a field trip to The Avengers Tower!! why do you ask that Peter was not excited ? well because he very well knew that the Avengers would not leave any opportunity of embarrassing him on this field trip and anyways who goes on a field trip to a place where they practically live in?! Oh, this trip is going to be Peter's most embarrassing nightmare. Poor Peter he truly does not know how right he is.

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