Chapter 1:School

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Author:Hi minna,I just want you all to know that this is my first story so please.Don't throw me negative comments if you don't like it.

Disclaimer : I don't own Cardfight Vanguard.


Aichi Sendou is a normal girl living a normal life.But when she was little she used to be bullied all the time.Until one certain person helped her stand on her own ground

Flashback to when Aichi was little

One day when Aichi was going home from school,a stranger approached her.

"Hi Princess."The stranger greeted her nicely.But unfortunately she didn't hear him.

"Uh...You shouldn't ignore people who are trying to talk to you.You know."The stranger said to her as he tapped her shoulder giving her a big smile.Getting her attention.

"Uh...I...Ahh...My mom told me not to talk to people I don't know."Aichi said weakly turning her head to face him

But the stranger's smile faded when he saw her face covered in bandages and bruises.

"Wha...What happend to your face?"The stranger asked worringly clasping her face with his right hand slowly.

"I...uhh... got bullied."Aichi said as she covered her eyes with her bangs.

Kai got shocked at this.He thought to himself."What...Bullied...Why would they bully someone who looks....Weak..."

Then the stranger realized why those people bullied her.Because she's weak.

Then suddenly the stranger felt pity.He reached for his back pocket and pulled out a card.

He handed the card to Aichi and said."Here,take this card.Whenever you feel weak.Just imagine that you're the avatar of this card.Strong and confident."

Those words lifted Aichi's spirits up.
She took the card from the stranger and read the card's name.













Blaster Blade












Without Aichi noticing it.A smile crept up her face.

"Um...Thank you very much."Aichi said and bowed to the stranger.

"Eto...May I know your name?"Aichi asked the stranger.

"My name?"The stranger said pointing to himself."My name is Kai.Toshiki Kai.How about you princess.What's your name?"He asked Aichi as he held out his hand for Aichi to shake."Oh...Me?My name is Aichi.Aichi Sendou."She said with a bright smile on her face as she shook Kai's hand.

Kai saw this and smiled too."Hi Aichi.Nice to meet you.Or maybe I should call you Ai-chan cause I think you're getting uncomfortable with me calling you princess."Kai said still smiling.

Aichi blushed at the thought of whether she should let him call her that.Then she finally decided.

"Sure."She said happily.

"Shall we meet here again tomorow?"Aichi asked Kai."Sure bye."
And with that said they both turned away and left.

The next day Aichi was already waiting for Kai on a park bench.(A/n:Kai's favourite bench)

Time Skip*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Hours already past and Aichi was still waiting for Kai.

Aichi sighed in disapointment and headed back home.

Flashback Finished

After 10 years

Aichi was walking to her school.Hitsue High with her friends Morikawa and Izaki.They talked about many things.

"Hey,Ai-chan do you want Morikawa the great to give you the finest teachings of vanguard!"Morikawa boasted then laughed stupidly making the people around them sweat drop.

"Eheh...for the fifteenth time Morikawa-kun I don't want to learn vanguard.Its too complicated."Aichi replied again.

"Huh...But vanguard is so easy Ai-chan."If you take my lessons you'll be able to take on a national finalist in no time!"Morikawa said disapointed.

"Yeah Morikawa I do like vanguard but..." Aichi trailed off to memory lane.Then she suddenly realised that her friends were looking at her worriedly.Wha-"W-What?"

"Is there something wrong Ai-chan?"Izaki asked her worriedly.

"I-I'm fine.Well we'll better get going if we don't want to be late."

Then she started running making her friends run after her."Ai-chaaaannn!!! wait for us."Izaki and Morikawa said in unison.

At class★★★★★★★★★★★★★

"Okay class lets start homeroom."Their teacher Ms.Natsuko Arisaki (Hehe...I just made this name up) said."But before that we have a new student joining us."Then suddenly the whole room filled with gossip until the teacher silenced them.

"You may come in now."Ms.Natsuko raised her hand at the door signaling the new student to come in.

Once the student came in the whole classroom started gossiping again.But this time even louder.

He had light brown hair which was swept to the left,Emerald eyes,and a Hitsue High uniform with the jacket unbuttoned and a white shirt underneath it.

Once Aichi saw his emerald eyes she instantly remembered him.



Author:So what cha think of chapter 1.I know that its short but I already told you that I'm lazy,so I can't help it.And also I won't be updating lately because I'm busy on a investigatory project I'm working on.So expect updates on weekends.Bye★

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