5 | Projet de deux

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The last day of the week if you're a student. Almost weekend. Friday at first hour.
The Students of Françoise DuPont High School were in their first class.
—Good morning, students. —Ms. Bustier said
—Good morning Miss Bustier. —Everyone said
—Remember we were seeing the civilizations in Ancient Age? Well, we will add it to today's topic for this unit project.
—Will this project be in teams? —Someone asked
—Yes, in pairs. I will tell you more when we finish the topic. —The teacher answered
—Today we will talk about the prehispanic cultures in America. The most important cultures in America were called Precolombinas, they were from Mexico to the last part in South America where Argentina and Chile are now...

The teacher continued giving the topic. When there were a few minutes to finish, she gave them the instructions for the project.
—Okay guys, I hope you understand these topics because here comes the project. It would be a 'projet de deux' so you will work in pairs.
—Nino and I! —Alya shouted
—I know you will have your pairs, but this time I will make the teams, so you can interact with other classmates, to know them better.

—So here comes the pairs: Alya and Rose, Adrien and Tiago, Juleka and Miranda, Ivan and Nathaniel,
Marinette and Elena, Chloe and Lila...
—Wait! Did you say Chloe with Lila? With that whoever? That's not gonna happen. —Chloe said totally bothersome
—I'm sorry that you're not with Sabrina, Chloe. But you need to work with different people. —Ms. Bustier added
—I am not going to work with you. —Chloe sighed and looked down Lila.
—Well, the pairs that have a foreign partner can work in a handicraft from their country. The rest of the pairs come here, choose a paper so you know what country you will work with.

Lila approached Miss Bustier to talk to her.
—What can I do if Chloe doesn't want to work with me?
—Hmm... Could you work alone?
—I was thinking about joining a pair.
—Well, ask the pairs if they want to have you before anything else.

Lila went around the classroom to ask each pair.
—Hi, Adrien. Can I be on your team?
—I'm sorry, Lila. My father only allows me one person at the time in my house.

—Alya, hi. Can I be with you?
—No, I'm sorry.

—I can't decide, Juleka is the leader.

Lila growled.
—You all gonna regret this, bunch of losers. —She said angrily and went out of the classroom

The bell sounded. It was time for the recess.
Alya got close to the new girls.
—Hey, girls. I was doing a research. Did you know I am the owner of the Ladyblog?
—We didn't know that, that's cool. —Miranda said
—Well, considering there was a fight with new superheroes with miraculous that aren't from the miracle box from here, this mysterious heroes that look like bear and wolf are foreigners.
—Wow, you really know how to investigate. —Elena said
—But wait there's more. If we take a look of their physical characteristics, the owner of the Bear miraculous is  just like Miranda, with straight dark brown hair and the one with the wolf one, with curly brown hair looks like Elena. Also, you are the only people from America that I know. Are you these new heroines?

Elena and Miranda looked at each other and they didn't say anything for a moment. They sighed.
—You got us, Alya. You're really intelligent but you should keep this information in secret. Although it can be obvious, you shouldn't post anything in your blog. We can tell you when is the right time to post it. —Elena said in low voice
—Thank you for confirming it. I guess I'm good at this. But I still can't get a clue of Ladybug and Cat Noir's identity.
—Don't worry, you will know, but remember they need to keep their identities in secret because Hawk Moth is after them.
—You're right. Can I make you an interview?
—Of course, how about on Monday?
—Is okay to me. Thank you!

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