Floor is Lava

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Pairing: Timothee Chalamet x Fem!Reader // Single Parent AU

Written: January 7th, 2021

Posted: January 7th, 2021

Warning: None.

Word Count: 822

Summary: Timothee spends his day off with the reader and her daughters.

Summary: Timothee spends his day off with the reader and her daughters

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"Mommy, mommy!" Your daughters exclaimed rushing into the kitchen.

"What is it, my love?" You questioned halting your actions.

"Can your friend come over?" They questioned in unison.

"Huh? Which friend?" You asked raising an eyebrow, as you leaned against the counter.

"The one with curly hair!" Gen spoke filled with excitement.

"You mean Timothee?"

"Yes!" Jessica exclaimed clapping her hands.

"I'll call him, but that doesn't mean he'll come over, okay? He's a very busy person."




"Hello?" Timothee's groggy voice answered.

"Hey." You greeted, your voice coming out soft. "The girls were wondering if you could come over." Hesitation was evident in your voice.

"They do?" His voice coming out in disbelief.

You hummed. "Of course-"

"Timothee!" They exclaimed making grabby hands at you, wanting your phone.

Letting out a sigh in defeat, you lowered the phone to their level before watching them run away.

Rolling your eyes, you couldn't help the smirk that made its way to your lips. Turning around you began making breakfast. Neither girl was seen again until you called them to eat.

Placing their plates on the breakfast nook, you helped them get into their respective seats. Moving about the kitchen you began to clean up.

It didn't take much longer before your front doorway opening revealing a sweatpant clad Timothee.

"Hey?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, sorry, the girls were adamant they wanted me to come...I hope that's okay."

"Oh, I don't mind." You felt heat dance along your cheeks.

Making his way beside you, he nudged your shoulder playfully with his.

"It's the first day off I've had in a long time." He spoke gazing softly at you.

Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you began biting it as you gazed at Timothee's features. His close proximity causing fireworks to erupt and twist in your stomach.

As you stood at the counter, his arm brushed against yours. His hand placed next to yours occasionally brushing against it.

"I can stay here with the girls if you wanted to go do something." He spoke gazing at your lips.

"Are you sure?"

He hummed in response.

Removing yourself from him, you moved to grab your purse and keys.

"I'll be back." You spoke to no one in particular.

Coming back to your apartment, bags filled with groceries clinging to your arms. Making your way into the kitchen, there was barely any noise. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you quickly put the items away.

"Gen? Jessica?" You questioned checking their rooms, only to find them empty. "Timothee?"

Returning to the living room, your jaw fell slack. Gazing at Timothee, he stood on your couch with Gen in one arm while Jessica was in the other. Both girls clinging onto him for dear life.

"Uh? What's going on?"

"The floors are lava!" The three of them exclaimed in unison.

Before you knew it, you burst out laughing. Tears quickly began forming in your eyes as you roared with laughter.

Wiping the tears from your cheeks, you shook your head. "I'm going to make dinner."

"Thanks for spending all day with us." You spoke, placing your drink on the table. Your fireplace roaring with warmth.

"Of course, I couldn't resist spending time with my favorite people," Timothee spoke, turning to face you.

Grinning, you placed your elbow on the back of the couch mirroring his position.

"The girls love you."

Timothee smiled. "I love them."

A comfortable silence fell between you as you gazed at each other. His ice-blue eyes capturing your attention.

Leaning forward you placed your lips on his. It was a chaste kiss that was over much sooner than you would have liked. Pulling back, your eyes widened as you realized what you had done.


Placing his hands on your jaw, he gently pulled you forward before connecting your lips. The kiss was slow and passionate. Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, as you panted slightly. Your hands landed on his waist. Placing your lips back on his, you sucked his bottom lip earning a groan from him.

Biting your lip, he asked for entrance. Opening your mouth, you allowed his tongue to lap along yours as he explored the entirety of your mouth. A content sigh escaped your lips.

His chest became crushed against yours, as he hinted for you to lay against the couch. Disconnecting his lips from yours, he latched onto your neck causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. A moan escaping your lips, as your nails found his back, gently digging in.

In the process, you wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging him flush against you. Reaching your collar bone, his hands rested on the exposed skin of your hips. A throaty groan escaped his lips as you ground your hips against his.

"Mommy?" Gen questioned as tiny footsteps echoed off the living room walls. 

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