Aaron makes a son of Ares cry

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Ariana P.O.V

We went inside to the dining table and discussed matters.

" So, let me get this straight. A titan captured Helios, your father and your brother. Your brother somehow escaped. He somehow got to Kansas and he sent an iris message saying that he's fine. But something is weird. How did he know how to use Iris Message?" Jo asked.

" Maybe he met a friendly demigod or something" Leo said.

" Maybe" I said. We continued eating in silence. Jo assigned us to our evening chores. I got kitchen duty with Leo.

Just before we started I wanted to Iris message my brother again. I took a mirror, and made a rainbow.

" How do you make this thing work again?" I asked Leo.

" Allow me... O iris, goddess of rainbows, show us Aaron Darkwood!" Leo said.

I saw my brother sleeping in a car next to another guy. I didn't get a good look at his face.

" Aaron! Aaron! Wake Up!" He didn't move. Then I remembered what we used to do when one of us doesn't wake up. We sing each others least favorite song.

" So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself, and I

Didn't know I was lost" *

My bother woke up so fast that Leo almost fell backwards.

" Who's that! Man, I hate that song. Jake wake up! Did you on the Radio or something?"

Jake woke up. He had black hair and black eyes. His hair was a mess.

" No, man. I didn't on the radio! why would I on the radio if I was sleeping!?"

" It's me you big morons!" I said.

Both of them turned to my side.

" Ariana! where are you? and.." He pointed to Leo." Is that a Latino Elf?"

"The Latino Elf is Leo son of Hephaestus." I said trying not to laugh.

" I already like this kid, Hey dude. Just for your info I'm a demigod not a Latino Elf." Leo said with a grin.

" Yeah, I know. This is Jake, Son of Ares" Aaron said." He's the one who drove me to Kansas. Nice Guy."

A small tear came to Jake's eyes.

"Did I say something wrong?" Aaron asked, clearly confused.

"No, I'm fine. It's just the nicest thing someone has told me."

"Aw... That's so sweet. So where are you now Aaron?"

"In Kansas. we're just about to drive to St. Lois." Aaron said. "I can't wait to see you. Ariana can I tell you something..."

"Yeah, sure"

We waited looking at Leo.

"oh! right... privately.. sure no problem." He went out of the kitchen.

"I'm scared, Ariana. About dad. I feel bad for leaving him alone. I get nightmares. I don't know what to do."

I wanted to cry on the spot but my brother needs my advise. It's not going to help him if I start to cry.

" How about I tell you something. I met Poseidon and Apollo and they gave me a small advise.do you know what they said?"


Poseidon said, "Use your brain and your strength but more importantly trust what your heart says" and Apollo said, "no matter what happens, stand strong.".

"Thanks Ariana... I feel much better."

"Try singing a song, helps way better"

"Thanks for the advise, by the way Leo might feel left out you can call him in now."

"Oh, right" I called Leo back inside.

"Don't worry Aaron we'll get your father back" Leo said and waved his hand through the IM.

We cleaned the Kitchen in silence after then. Finally after we finished kitchen duty we went to sleep and I got my second episode of torture.

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