The Twinkie Dilemma

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  • Dedicated to All These Weird Fanfics I've Read

"Yo mamma's so fat she saw a school bus go by and yelled, "Stop that Twinkie!"

Kobal, the demon of crude comedy, laughed hysterically while smoking a rainbow-colored cigar. He looked around at his demon audience. No reaction, except for a sneeze.

Suddenly, he came across Beelzebub, who strangely was starting to tear up.

"Beez, y'allright?"

The Lord of the Flies muttered, "You had to remind me of Twinkies."


"Twinkies were one of my favorite human foods besides BigMacs, dude! Hostess went out of business a while ago!"


Kobal remembered why Beelzebub was the embodiment of gluttony, and rolled his eyes.

"I ate all of my saved-up Twinkies, and they're like $200,000 on Ebay!"

"Stop getting upset over fast food, sweetie." Ariel said, his wife and the only person who could sort-of tolerate her husband's antics. She give him a slap to put the poor demon in his place.

Mammon looked up from his Crackbook, where he was scamming people on the internet into giving away their money and their souls. That's why you should always read the fine print kids.

"I have a box or two of Twinkies." He grunted.

"What's the price?"

"Not that much, just $2 million. And I need your credit card number."

Kobal snorted.

"Like he's going to fall for that trick, Mammon," Ariel responded, only to see Beelzebub fish around in his Infinity Pockets.

But instead of pulling out his griffon-skin wallet like expected, he pulled out an AK47.

"Your move, dick. I won't fall for your tricks again."

But the mobster had a plan, and he yanked a machine gun out of his Infinity Pockets too.

"Beat it, bug boy!"

"I'm the Lord of the Flies, not bug boy! Prepare to die!"

"Wait, fellas, this doesn't have to get violent!" Kobal shouted while backing away.

Suddenly, Dagon, the Demon Baker of Sweet Street, stuck her head into Mammon's pocket. With a mighty munch, she ate his Twinkies.

"See, you don't have to fight anymore," she squealed, yellow crumbs littering her face.

Kobal knew a shitstorm was about to commence.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Beelzebub yelled, beating his fists against the ground which happened to be covered in glittery glue from Edward Cullen's hair gel, so he was stuck fast.

"You brat, I was going to sell that!" Mammon tried to grab the pink-haired menace.

Dagon ran off giggling as she broke the 4th wall and landed in Equestria, but that's another story.


A portal from Earth widened, and a very drunk Satan and Lilith tumbled out into the Hellion Lounge, only to see a strange sight. Kobal was laughing hysterically, Beelzebub's hands were stuck to the ground as he whispered something about Twinkies, Ariel was standing by scolding, and Mammon was attempting to break the 4th wall to no avail.

"I need another vodka." The Devil moaned.

"Make that two."

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